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Marek Smerak (TH)Marek Smerak (TH) 

Developer Console Basics last challenge check doesn't work

I've got an error from last challange in "Developer Console Basics":

"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find the contact's name in the debug log. Be sure to run a query for your record, and to write your contact's name to the debug log using the System.debug() method."

But I'm sure that debog log include the correct lastname, first name as requested and use SOSL.

Does anyone else have the same issue?

Best Answer chosen by Marek Smerak (TH)
I've found the solution... 

It seems releated to older dev orgs where you execute the anonymous apex. I've created a new Trailhead Playground, inserted the contact and executed the same anonymous apex. Running the validation to this new playground was positve and I've got the badge!

All Answers

Hi Marek, 

I'm experiencing the same issue. I've submitted feedback; guess we have to wait and see if they fix it.
Aam MAam M
I'm also facing the same issue, getting same error!
i am also facing same issue
Rick CaliRick Cali
Challenge Not Yet complete errorsame  but not sure if it is related to this thread. I am a faculty member at Benedictine University and I teaching a sales course and have included trailhead as supplimental to the course. Most students were successful in completeing the second module What we Sell for the Rock your future with Sales Force but some received the error in the sreen capture below but it appears to exist (the App tab is there). Is there a way to correct that? ist tie on forum and it also appears I cannot post scren captures?

Terri T JilesTerri T Jiles
I have the same issue and others on Twitter also have the same issue with this challenge.
I've found the solution... 

It seems releated to older dev orgs where you execute the anonymous apex. I've created a new Trailhead Playground, inserted the contact and executed the same anonymous apex. Running the validation to this new playground was positve and I've got the badge!
This was selected as the best answer
Terri T JilesTerri T Jiles
Yes, this solution worked for me too!  I had to test this in an alternative org.