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Jeff Barger 1Jeff Barger 1 

Wave Trailhead "My Exploration App" VS. DTC Sale's

 I created the "My Exploration" app for Wave, but when I start the next trailhead it is telling me I should see "MY DTC Sales". That data and app was not created or loaded in the precursor in this training. It feels like part of the trailhead changed. As my data sets are Product Opportunnities  and Opportunnities. 
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Before starting the module, you need to finish below trailhead module.
Once you have finished this module, you can see that you have been provided with MY DTC Sales App when you click on APPS.

Hope this helps you!

If this helps you, please mark it as solved.

Thanks and Regards

Jeff Barger 8Jeff Barger 8
I have finished that module already. Is there an issue from my normal login to where I finished it from where I did the work in the developer login?
Hi Jeff, I'm unclear from your response so I just want to clarify something- in finishing the first module you should have signed up for a new, specific Wave developer org separate from your other existing dev or production orgs.  The Wave dev org is what contains the MY DTC app and it should be pre-loaded from the very start.  If you are not seeing it you may want to try signing up for a second Wave dev org to troubleshoot.  Here is a link to create this org:
Jeff Barger 8Jeff Barger 8
I created another developer sign in and it worked. Thanks!