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Andrew Smith 40Andrew Smith 40 

Copy Napili header and footer into custom layout

Like the title says, I've created a custom layout (in the dev console: file > new > lightning component > aura:component implements="forceCommunity:themeLayout") Refer to:

I'd like to mimic, or clone the header and footer areas of the Napili template (with slight modifications). Or, at least - I'd like to include the logo and background image in the header... Does anyone know how to make this possible? 

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!
Andrew Smith 40Andrew Smith 40
If I could just CLONE (or view the source code) the "Home" or "Inner" Theme Layout Type - that would solve my issue!
Community builder > page properties (cog icon) > Theme Layout Type
Javier Escobar 2Javier Escobar 2
Hi Andrew,
Did you find a way to solve this?
Ryan McNeely 1Ryan McNeely 1
Javier and Andrew, I'm looking for the same thing, to clone and tweak Inner or Home. Any tips?

All my other pages are set to Home, which has the search and Login components. I want to create some new pages where there is no header at all.

Anyway to get this done, I'm open ears. I tried custom CSS to hide the Header element, but that hides for ALL pages.