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Mayur ChandraMayur Chandra 

TLS 1.2 connection from IBM Datastage


While connecting to following URL - from Datastage using TLS 1.2 we are getting below error -

nested exception is: 
    org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.sforce.soap.partner.fault.UnexpectedErrorFault - upgradeURL

Using TLS 1.0 same url works fine.
We generated new WSDL and now tried connecting to - and now its not even log in succesfully, getting below error -

Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.</ns1:exceptionMessage>
INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.

I tried using the web browser and its working fine, not sure whats causing this.
Hi Mayur, we are also trying to connect our ETL application using Datastage.
We connect fine with prod and regular sandboxes, but are unable to connect to a partial copy sandbox.
Let me know if there are other things you tried.
We were able to successfully connect. We were unable to isolate which specific change worked, so I'm listing the things we did and changes we made over several iterations:

1. UserName: Ensure the id used has the correct sandbox name appended to it. Example
2. Password/Security Token: Append the user's Salesforce security token to the password, at the login screen in DataStage. You may want to reset the token to ensure it is current. 
3. URL Address: We removed everything from the normal url set in DataStage except the normal '' or ''.  In other words remove the part with /endpoint/soap.... from the url just to jog a successful login.
4. Trusted IP: Go to Setup>Security Controls>Network Access and enter the DataStage server's IP address. Don't use the actual server address, look at the login history for the username that succeeded from a browser login, and use this NAT address for the IP range fields.
5. We successfully logged in using Workbench, Eclipse, and the latest version of Dataloader to ensure it wasn't an API only or Tool specific issue.