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Amanda Malloy 1Amanda Malloy 1 

Build a Discount Calculator- "custom button doesn't exist" error when verifying step

I am on the last module of the Build a Discount Calculator trail. I have verified the first 4 steps and received the 50 points (everything was configured correctly). Now, when I try to verify my last step I am getting the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button doesn't exist or isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.

I've verfied the creation of the button, it's on the correct page layout and I've tested the button- it gives me the correct discount percentage and discounted amount.

Any other ideas on what I should check? I'm at a loss.
Best Answer chosen by Amanda Malloy 1
Squire TH KershnerSquire TH Kershner
I had that issue too, and in my case, I assume the API was the same as the label, but they want the API to be Calculate_Discount_button instead of the default Calculate_Discount that autofills.  Try that?

All Answers

Squire TH KershnerSquire TH Kershner
I had that issue too, and in my case, I assume the API was the same as the label, but they want the API to be Calculate_Discount_button instead of the default Calculate_Discount that autofills.  Try that?
This was selected as the best answer
Amanda Malloy 1Amanda Malloy 1
Squire to the rescue!!! That did it! Thanks so much my #AwesomeAdmin award buddy! :)
Steve Garrett 10Steve Garrett 10
Thank you Squire - this was a 2 for 1 - I had the same situation and needed the same solution.  

John Tuley 1John Tuley 1
Sadly, this didn't solve the problem for me. I tried:
  • adding it to all of my Opportunity layouts
  • removing additional buttons from the layouts until the button set matched what was in the trailhead screenshots
  • removing my Calculate Discount button from all layouts, deleting the button, and creating it all over again (careful to set the API name correctly from the beginning)
Any other ideas, aside from creating a new dev org and starting all over?
Arun Chaubey 6Arun Chaubey 6
Changing API name of  custom buton to Calculate_Discount_Button works for me, 
Scott KarnoppScott Karnopp
I have changed the API to Calculate_Discount_Button, have rebuilt the whole entire trailhead 5 times, I've verfied the creation of the button, it's on the correct page layout and I've tested the button- it gives me the correct discount percentage and discounted amount. and still get:
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button isn't properly configured. Check the instructions for how to configure the Display Type and URL.
Any other ideas out there?
Ashish KeshariAshish Keshari
Hi Scott,
Try using the lowercase button api name - I see you are using uppercase - use this 'Calculate_Discount_button'
Tim Osborn 4Tim Osborn 4
Prakash  RaiPrakash Rai
I renamed the custome button Name to Calculate_Discount_button and has no luck.
The debug log has
- FlowAssignment | Discount_id_5
- FlowRecordUpdate | Update_Discount_Field | 0

I re-created Record Update and the step was successfully completed. I can not think of how to troubleshoot this. Any suggestions?

Salesforce IndiaSalesforce India
@Squire TH Kershner,

Yes, ThatsYou are right.
This trick is working for me.

Efraim Taranto 1Efraim Taranto 1
I've changed the button name as suggested by Squire and then the error changed to:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0017F000005i8H0QAI; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Cannot delete account with related opportunities.: []

Any ideas?
Marion Mansvelders 5Marion Mansvelders 5

@Squire TH Kershner That did it! 

Salesforce can you please fix this? It's June now and still not fixed?

Tom MyersTom Myers
@Squire TH Kershner. Thank you! After struggling on my own for way too long, your answer was truly welcomed! How did you ever figure that out? It seems like a simple typo in the instructions. Thanks again everyone! 
Ken HiveleyKen Hiveley
I am on the step Build Logic to Determine the Right Discount to Apply and have created it in a fresh DE org.  I received this error:  

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: OQEETRNL

I have verified all steps.  Here is my screen shot.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Sébastien RichardSébastien Richard
Hi, I've changed the button name as suggested by Squire and the error is always the same
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button doesn't exist or isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.
Richard de RuijterRichard de Ruijter
I have change the button name as suggested by Squire with no luck. Changed it back to the original name as stated in the Trailhead and now get the following message. Suggestions?

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount_Percent__c]: [Discount_Percent__c]
Javier Gonzalez 29Javier Gonzalez 29
Not working neither. The same issue. 
Puneet SachdevaPuneet Sachdeva
I have the same problem. Tried renaming the button as mentioned in the above posts without luck.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button doesn't exist or isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.
Squire Q KershnerSquire Q Kershner
Would you mind taking a screenshot of the Button Setup page and adding it ot the chat?  Several of the prior question askers realized after seeing the picture that while the LABEL is changed, the API NAME is not, and if we could work together to determine if your button is configured correctly, we can then cross that off the list as the potential issue?
Puneet SachdevaPuneet Sachdeva
Hi Squire,

I have pasted some screenshots in a document for your and everybody's reference. Here is the link:

Squire Q KershnerSquire Q Kershner
Unfortunately, I don't have access to google drive at work due to compliance reasons. 
Could you add one of the button setup screen to the forum?
Chris DuarteChris Duarte
This issue with the API name of the button Calculate_Discount_button was resolved on June 14, 2017. The challenge now correctly looks for Calculate_Discount (and has for the past 6 months).

I just ran through this project end to end tonight with no issues. It is working as expected. 
Vishal S 8Vishal S 8
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button isn't properly configured. Check the instructions for how to configure the Display Type and URL.

I have tried with all the solutions mentioned above by various users. I have tried using "Calculate_Discount_Button" Api and "Calculate_Discount_button" both are not working for me.... It would be of great help if anyone could figure it out.

Thanks in Advance.
Swati Patel 28Swati Patel 28
Not working neither. The same issue. 
Nitin Kumar 154Nitin Kumar 154
Still the same issue. Have tried all combinations.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The opportunity layout doesn't include the 'Calculate Discount' custom button. Check the instructions.

Narayanan G LNarayanan G L
Trialhead team - This is not working. I am also facing the same issue. The functionality of the flow is working fine as per the instructions. But the challenge is not complete although I have tried all the options given above. 

Step not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button doesn't exist or isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.
Katie Burg 2Katie Burg 2
Hi Trailhead team, looks like this is still an issue. I have followed the steps completely and thoroughly. I verified the button has the correct attributes, is on the page layout, and functioning correctly. I have done this trail start to finish in two different playgrounds with no success.

I am getting a similar error:
"Step not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The opportunity layout doesn't include the 'Calculate Discount' custom button. Check the instructions."

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Katie Burg 2Katie Burg 2
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Rajesh BhoirRajesh Bhoir
Hi All,
I would suggest to recheck the entire flow as sometimes the error which pops up is totally different from the actual issue.
 I also got the same error “The 'Calculate Discount' custom button doesn't exist or isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.” however when I rechecked my entire flow the issue was with the Decision Making box where we decide which discount to apply .I had mistakenly put the wrong criteria for Full discount  where the Operator should be “Greater Than” and instead I have chosen “Equal to” which was conflicting with the Partial discount criteria. Ideally this error should have caught in previous steps but did not. After corrections there was no issue and the challenge was completed successfully.

Hope this helps!!

Nathan Lang 9Nathan Lang 9


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Setup of Button:

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Tyler Rendleman 19Tyler Rendleman 19
im having this issue now. have gone through multiple times - creating the button, refactoring the flow, etc. It works, but I continue to get the error as mentioned above. 
The opportunity layout doesn't include the 'Calculate Discount' custom button. Check the instructions.
Any other options/feedback here to address?
Sudheer Kumar GandhamSudheer Kumar Gandham
@Tyler Rendleman --- Please add the button from the Mobile and Lightning Section, then only you can see the Calculate Discount Button in Lightning.

And please check the URL : 
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Shivanand Totar 40Shivanand Totar 40
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Please help me to solve error
Kathy RussellKathy Russell
I agree with Shivanand Totar 40. HELP PLEASE!!!! I have done all the suggestion with changing the flow name to Calculate_Discount_button. Nothing works.
Lillian Chia-Ying ChungLillian Chia-Ying Chung
After couple hours of trouble shooting and reading through other similar forums, I have tried changing the API name on the button to "Calculate_Discount_button" - didn't work. But changing the variables on AccountID and OpportunityID worked. You need to make sure you change your variables to AccountID and OpportunityID (yes, captilised your ID) in your flows as well as the URL in the set up of the button. 
Shivanand Totar 32Shivanand Totar 32
Record Update element 'Update Discount Field' isn't properly configured in the most recent flow named Calculate discounts. Check the instructions.
Shivanand Totar 32Shivanand Totar 32
Please any one help me to solve the error
Anna KudriashovaAnna Kudriashova
The advice above to write ID in capital letter helped in my case. It works with Calculate_Discount (not Calculate_Discount_button).
manvitha malireddy 7manvitha malireddy 7
No need to change any API names of button or the variable names in flows, Along with the addition of button to Mobile and lightning Actions, we need to add the same button to the custom button section as shown below. It works for me :)
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Gerax SoteloGerax Sotelo

@manvitha malireddy 7

That worked for me. Thanks!

Kash FarhadiKash Farhadi
This is still an issue. Calculate_Discount, Calculate_Discount_button, nor Calculate_Discount_Button work. All combinations result in errors when completing the challenge. See images below with exact configuration as instructed.

"The opportunity layout doesn't include the 'Calculate Discount' custom button. Check the instructions."

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User-added image
I am on the last module of the Build a Discount Calculator trail. I have verified the first 4 steps and received the 100 points (everything was configured correctly). Now, when I try to verify my last step I am getting the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button doesn't exist or isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.
Then I go for URL Check:
And this works for me.
If you are also facing same difficulties , Go and Check url you pasted in text box while creating button.
Its 100% working. If you pass the difficulties by using this hints click Like .
@ Nathan Lang 9
I am on the last module of the Build a Discount Calculator trail. I have verified the first 4 steps and received the 100 points (everything was configured correctly). Now, when I try to verify my last step I am getting the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button doesn't exist or isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.
Then I go for URL Check:
And this works for me.
If you are also facing same difficulties , Go and Check url you pasted in text box while creating button.
Its 100% working. If you pass the difficulties by using this hints click Like .
Riccardo Torchio 7Riccardo Torchio 7
Folks! Hear me out!
You gotta put the button with the API name "Calculate_Discount" right into the "Mobile & Lightning Actions", not only in the "Opportunity Detail (Custom Buttons)" section!!