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how to Rename Tabs and Labels for apply only on same app not other app ??


Please any one suggest me that when i am doing a custome setting of the Renam tabs and lebels for example i am changing that Account name to StudentAccount  then how its possible that apply on the same app? because its apply on all related app in organisation .is it possible or not? if it is possible then pelase describe.
Rohit B ☁Rohit B ☁
Hi Aklim!
It is not possible. If you rename any tab it will be done for all apps not for any specific one.
Here is the idea for the same

Vote it for implement.
Hi Aklim,
I think it is not possible do like this. if  you rename the tab it will come  in entire organisation like that  only so we  can not do like that.

Thank you
thanks all