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Reset security token

I have my Reset security token, but i didn't get any security token and i have checked in login ip ranges  we are not given IP Login ranges in unlimited edition?

Hi KMK91,
Salesforce help document is provided for Missing Reset Security Token Please refer the below document for reference.
I hope it will be helpful.

Best Regards
Hi Kmk91,
  • If your admin assigned you the “Two-Factor Authentication for API Logins” permission, use the code generated by an authenticator app, such as Salesforce Authenticator, for the security token value.
  • From your personal settings, enter Reset in the Quick Find box, then select Reset My Security Token.
  • Click Reset Security Token. The new security token is sent to the email address in your Salesforce personal settings.
  • A new security token is emailed to you when you reset your password. Or you can reset your token separately.
 Please refer the below link for further reference. I hope it will be helpful.

I have tried above all scenarios but I did not security token?

Carlos SiqueiraCarlos Siqueira
This is an old DE org that I used for the Wave badge and now I had to change the password. I received the new token but don't know where to enter/use it. When I try to login using the new password, it does not let me. How/where  can I disable this requirement?