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Vincent BartolomaVincent Bartoloma 

Remove 'Reports' and 'Tools' section in Account tab

I am attempting to remove the 'Reports' and 'Tools' sections which appear after clicking on the Accounts tab. All of the solutions which I have seen so far involve creating a VF page, and assigning the Accounts tab to it which I don't want to do. 

Since I apparently cannot remove the two sections any other way, is there anything I can set to prevent the user from using anything in the Tools section ? I know I could turn off their Reporting capabilities to prevent them from clicking on the Reports, but they can still use the Tools.

...but if you know another way to get rid of the Tools and Report section altogether that would work too.

Thank you.
Lokesh KumarLokesh Kumar
Hi Vincent,

Is this is your customized interface because I did not see and report or tool section on the account record detail page.

can you please post the screenshot for the same.

Thanks !