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Salesforce1 - audio inputFile

I created a VF page including an apex:inputFile with accept="audio/*" attribute to record audio from Salesforce1 :
<apex:inputFile accept="audio/*" value="{!audioRecord.body}" filename="{!}" />
When I try my page on my mobile navigator, this input recognize the "accept" attribute and permits me to record audio with the dictaphone.
But when I try it in Salesforce1, this attribute is not recognize so I can't record audio.

I tried to use javascript library to record directly the audio without to use an inputfile but even if I authorize the "android.webkit.resource.AUDIO_CAPTURE" my microphone record nothing.

Do you have any solution to record audio from salesforce1?
Kavish SehgalKavish Sehgal
Did you manage to fix the above issue. I am having a similar requirement to capture audio on Salesforce1.
Hi Kavish,

Unfortunately, it's still not working.
The inputfile doesn't accept to open the audio recorder of the phone.

Maybe you should try an external javascript library.