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Subodh Shukla 16Subodh Shukla 16 

is salesforce automatically change the owner of contact when its parents account owner is changed ?

Hi all,

i am new here is sfdc i want to know is there any automatic functionality in sf when the owner of account is changed its related contact owner is changed. if yes can we disable it
Best Answer chosen by Subodh Shukla 16
Hi Subodh,

Yes,this is changing automatically as Account and Contact have a master-detail relationship so changing the onwer on the account record will automatically give the new owner the same ownership to all those contacts related to that account.Coming to your second question ,I dont think we still have the access to disable this but we can change the owner of contact later manually it seems.I have got this topic still trending in success community,you can check that too.

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Subodh Shukla 16Subodh Shukla 16
Thanks buddy for your quick response but  prevoiusly we need trigger to do this,do you  have  any idea when(in which release ) salesforce bring this functionality. Thanks
Hi Subodh,

Yes,this is changing automatically as Account and Contact have a master-detail relationship so changing the onwer on the account record will automatically give the new owner the same ownership to all those contacts related to that account.Coming to your second question ,I dont think we still have the access to disable this but we can change the owner of contact later manually it seems.I have got this topic still trending in success community,you can check that too.
This was selected as the best answer
Hi Subodh,

No, I don't have any idea if they are implementing this functionality in coming releases.Please mark this question as solved if you got your answer already. thanks!!!.