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Joe Hayes
Compare element of list against set
I am writing a controller to check the Name field in a list of child records against a field called Approved_scope__c on a custom object. If the Name fields in the List are all contained in the Approved_scope__c field then it needs to insert the list, else it needs to display which of the name fields are not in the Approved_scope__c.
I have put the Approved_scope__c field into a set and then I am trying to use set.contains(List.Name)
It is giving an error at the moment on line 17 'Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: List'
I'm not sure where I am going wrong.
Also how would I then get a new list of records that weren't contained in the set?
Any help would be appreciated thank you.
vf page if needed:
Thank you
I am writing a controller to check the Name field in a list of child records against a field called Approved_scope__c on a custom object. If the Name fields in the List are all contained in the Approved_scope__c field then it needs to insert the list, else it needs to display which of the name fields are not in the Approved_scope__c.
I have put the Approved_scope__c field into a set and then I am trying to use set.contains(List.Name)
It is giving an error at the moment on line 17 'Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: List'
I'm not sure where I am going wrong.
Also how would I then get a new list of records that weren't contained in the set?
Any help would be appreciated thank you.
public class AddingAssessmentsController { Id candId; Id centreId; public List<Assessment__c> AssessmentList {get;set;} public Integer rowNum{get;set;} public AddingAssessmentsController(){ candId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('candId'); AssessmentList = new List<Assessment__c>(); AssessmentList.add(new Assessment__c(Candidate__c=candId, pass__c=true, photo_scanned__c=true)); } public PageReference insertAssessments(){ centreId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('centreId'); set <Certification_Accredited_Centres__c> centreSet = new set <Certification_Accredited_Centres__c>([Select Approved_Scope__c from Certification_Accredited_Centres__c where Id = :centreId]); if(centreSet.contains(';' + AssessmentList.Name + ';')){ insert AssessmentList; PageReference reRender = new PageReference('/'+candId); reRender.setRedirect(true); return reRender; } else { return null; } } public PageReference cancelAssessments(){ PageReference reRender = new PageReference('/'+candId); reRender.setRedirect(true); return reRender; } public void insertAsstRow(){ if(AssessmentList.Size()>0){ Assessment__c tmpAssessment = AssessmentList.get(0); AssessmentList.add(new Assessment__c(Candidate__c=candId, Verifier__c=tmpAssessment.Verifier__c, Assessor__c=tmpAssessment.Assessor__c, LastCentreDate__c=tmpAssessment.LastCentreDate__c, DateofTechReview__c=tmpAssessment.DateofTechReview__c, Date_Received_By_Cert_Office__c=tmpAssessment.Date_Received_By_Cert_Office__c, Photo_Scanned__c=tmpAssessment.Photo_Scanned__c, Photo_Scan_Date__c=tmpAssessment.Photo_Scan_Date__c, Fastrack__c=tmpAssessment.Fastrack__c, MOT_Cert__c=tmpAssessment.MOT_Cert__c, Pass__c=tmpAssessment.Pass__c )); } else AssessmentList.add(new Assessment__c(Candidate__c=candId, pass__c=true, photo_scanned__c=true)); } public void delAsstRow(){ rowNum = Integer.valueOf(apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('index')); AssessmentList.remove(rowNum); } }
vf page if needed:
<apex:page controller="AddingAssessmentsController"> <style> .homeTab .pageTitleIcon, .individualPalette .homeBlock .pageTitleIcon { background-position: initial; background-image: url('/img/icon/wrench32.png'); } </style> <apex:form > <apex:variable var="rowNum" value="{!0}"/> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:sectionHeader subtitle="Add Assessments"/> <apex:variable var="rowNum" value="{!0}"/> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!AssessmentList}" var="asst"> <apex:facet name="footer"> <apex:commandLink value="Add" action="{!insertAsstRow}"/> </apex:facet> <apex:column headerValue="Name"> <apex:inputField value="{!asst.Name}" required="true"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Last Centre Date"> <apex:inputField value="{!asst.LastCentreDate__c}" id="LastCentreDate"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Date of Tech Review"> <apex:inputField value="{!asst.DateofTechReview__c}" id="DateOfTechReview"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Date Received By Cert Office"> <apex:inputField value="{!asst.Date_Received_By_Cert_Office__c}" id="Date_Received_By_Cert_Office"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Assessor"> <apex:inputField value="{!asst.Assessor__c}" id="Assessor"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Verifier"> <apex:inputField value="{!asst.Verifier__c}" id="Verifier"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Photo Scanned"> <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!asst.Photo_Scanned__c}" id="photoscanned" selected="true"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Photo Scan date"> <apex:inputfield value="{!asst.Photo_Scan_Date__c}" id="photo_scan_date"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Fastrack"> <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!asst.Fastrack__c}" id="Fastrack"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="MOT Cert"> <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!asst.MOT_Cert__c}" id="Mot_cert"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Pass?"> <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!asst.Pass__c}" id="pass" selected="true"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Delete" > <apex:commandLink style="font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;color:red;" value="X" action="{!delAsstRow}" immediate="true"> <apex:param value="{!rowNum}" name="index" /> </apex:commandLink> <apex:variable var="rowNum" value="{!rowNum+1}"/> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom"> <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!insertAssessments}"/> <apex:commandButton value="Back" action="{!cancelAssessments}" immediate="true"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Thank you
I am getting an error Incompatible element type String for collection of Certification_Accredited_Centres__c
it is on line 19 'if(centreSet.contains(';' + a.Name + ';'))'
function will be like
Using maps.