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Do we need to explicitly mention @isTest(SeeAllData=false)

Do we need to explicitly mention @isTest(SeeAllData=false) on all test classes.

What is the difference between a test class having @isTest(SeeAllData=false) and the other one with only @isTest
Hi Gopal,

Thanks for the response. But the above link helps us to understand the difference between 
@isTest(SeeAllData=false) & @isTest(SeeAllData=true)
but not 
@isTest(SeeAllData=false) and @isTest
Gopal AgrawalGopal Agrawal
Hi, @isTest(SeeAllData=false) and @isTest are same. Bydefault SeeAllData value is false.
Gopal AgrawalGopal Agrawal

If this answer helps you, please mark as solved and best answer.

Thanks in advance
Agreed Gopal... Just wanted to check whether explicitly annotating will have some difference to the other(@isTest).
What is the best practice around this ?
 @isTest(SeeAllData=false) OR @isTest ?
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8

There is no difference in both of them. You can use any of them. Some time we need to create multiple test method in same test class. If you want to use seeAllData in some method not to use other method then you can use like below
private class MyTestClass 

   static void test1() {
      // Implement test code

   static void test2() {
      // Implement test code


Considerations for the IsTest(SeeAllData=true) Annotation
  • If a test class is defined with the isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation, this annotation applies to all its test methods whether the test methods are defined with the @isTest annotation or the testmethod keyword.
  • The isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation is used to open up data access when applied at the class or method level. However, using isTest(SeeAllData=false) on a method doesn’t restrict organization data access for that method if the containing class has already been defined with the isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation. In this case, the method will still have access to all the data in the organization.
Please check below post for more information

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