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Shrey TyagiShrey Tyagi 

Apex Coverage for Database.Save exception- Please Help

Hi Everyone,
        I have a question on how to cover exceptions of Database.Save method. The method I want to cover is given below:

Apex Code : 
     Database.SaveResult[] lsr = Database.insert(GateReviewShrs,false); 
     // Create counter
     Integer i=0;
     // Process the save results
        for(Database.SaveResult sr : lsr){
                // Get the first save result error
                Database.Error err = sr.getErrors()[0];
                if(!(err.getStatusCode() == StatusCode.FIELD_FILTER_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION  
                                               &&  err.getMessage().contains('AccessLevel'))){

                       'Unable to grant sharing access due to following exception: '
                       + err.getMessage());
I am trying to cover this exception by making a wrong entry in my test class (one of inactive user). Code given below: 

public class Test_PrasApexCode {
    static testMethod void testDoGet1() {

        Costpoint_Project__c testCostpointProject = new Costpoint_Project__c();
        testCostpointProject.Name = '0281300.003';

        insert testCostpointProject;

        //Fetch related Project Risk Review form.
        Project_Risk_Review__c ProRiskRev=[Select id,DVP__c,Project_Manager__c,Chair_Reviewer__c,Delegate__c 
                                           from Project_Risk_Review__c where Costpoint_Project__c=:testCostpointProject.Id];

        List<User> u2= [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE isActive=False and ProfileId=:Label.PRAS_RTI_BusinessDevelopment_Profile_Id Limit 1];

         Update ProRiskRev;

But when I try to do this my coverage increases but test method fails . It has to fail because the user is inactive. Is there any way to pass the test method and increase the coverage?

Vivian Charlie 1208Vivian Charlie 1208

Hi Shrey,


Can you try 1 thing in your test class


Update ProRiskRev;

catch(exception ex){}


I believe that should prevent the test method from failing and also increase your coverage.




Aradhika Chawla 73Aradhika Chawla 73
Assign some values while craeting data so that test does not fails, and later in the code delete thet entity from which you are updating.
For example - while creating a account you assign sales_Terrorory= . Later in the code just  use delete sa; and you will see that Database.error triggered . -with errolist- entity is deleted