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Prathibha SPrathibha S 

NA4 Instance Refresh Result Changes In Hard-coded areas

Hi Geeks,

We have received a heads up from Salesforce product team that NA4 instance is going under refresh and whereever we have hardcoded references, we need to update them to make our org ready for the refresh.

I found that NA4 is being referrred in 
1) A trigger where is used in Email body.
2) Web links

My question is :
i) How should I take care of those references when they are saying to update the hard coded areas?
ii) They are mentioning that if myDomain is not enabled, we should enable it. How will this help me with the existing hard coded references? Should I do any changes to those places if I enable myDomain for our org? If yes, how?

Please help me to sort this out.

Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Prathibha,

May I request you to please refer the below link for reference. I hope it will be helpful.

Please mark it as best answer if the information is informative.

Best Regards
Rahul Kumar