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Pradeepa Poluri 9Pradeepa Poluri 9 

Create link for multiple files thru apex

Hi, I am trying to create a link (Content Delivery type of a link) for multiple files thru Code. I was able to create a link for a single file using ContentDistribution. The same thing I wanted to create one link for multiple files to be able to send  in the email. Right now this can be done thru Content Pack. But I don't want use Content Pack as I want to do thru code, I want to add files to Content pack or something similar and able to create a link out of that. ContentDistribution just takes the ContentVersionID . Looks like Content Pack api is not exposed . Please advise how to go with this ? thanks
sridhar v 7sridhar v 7
Hi Pradeep,

Were you able to achieve this at all?
I got to know that create, edit, or delete content packs via the API is not possible, but am  asking if you did find any other workaround for this.
