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Opportunity Amount Roll-up trigger throwing an error: Error: Compile Error: A non foreign key field cannot be referenced in a path expression: Opportunities at line 26 column 31
Hello Developers!
I am trying to write trigger on opportunity which would sum the Amount field on Account.
This might be possiable via standard but I am trying to have similar trigger on different set of object and solving this would solve the other one as well.
Thank you for the help!
I am trying to write trigger on opportunity which would sum the Amount field on Account.
This might be possiable via standard but I am trying to have similar trigger on different set of object and solving this would solve the other one as well.
trigger AmountRollup on Opportunity(After insert, After update, After delete, After undelete){ Set<ID> accountIds = New Set<ID>(); If(Trigger.IsInsert || Trigger.IsUpdate || Trigger.IsUndelete){ For(Opportunity opp: Trigger.New){ accountIds.add(opp.AccountID); } } If(Trigger.IsDelete){ For(Opportunity opp: Trigger.Old){ accountIds.add(opp.AccountID); } } List<Account> AccountListToUpdate = New List<Account>(); Double AmountTotal = 0.00; For(Account a : [Select id, total_opportunity_amount__c, (Select id, Amount FROM opportunities) FROM Account WHERE ID = :accountIds]) { For(Integer I = 0; I < a.opportunities.size(); I++) { AmountTotal += a.opportunities.Amount; // Here I am trying add all amount sum into AmountTotal a.total_opportunity_amount__c = AmountTotal; AccountListToUpdate.add(a); } } try{ update AccountListToUpdate; } catch(Exception E){ system.debug('Error thrown is: ' + E.getMessage()); } }
Thank you for the help!
Please use the below-working code and FYI Opportunity and Account are not directly related to each other.
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Please use the below-working code and FYI Opportunity and Account are not directly related to each other.
Your solution on looping amount field worked! Wow I don't thought that way! but however, I have a quick question, why we need to set a.total_opportunity_amount__c = 0; on line 21? I mean.. on line 17 we are fetching all accounts and at that time total_opportunity_amount__c for those account is null anyway right? If yes, then why we need to assign it to zero (e.g., a.total_opportunity_amount__c = 0) again.
BTW, whithout assigning a.total_opportunity_amount__c = 0, code acts like this:
If account is ABC, INC. and created opp_1 amount is 1000 then total_opportunity_amount__c becomes 1000;
But when I go back to that opp_1 and update it again then total_opportunity_amount__c becomes 2000.
I am soo badly want to know the roll of total_opportunity_amount__c = 0 here.
Thank you for the help!
By Default all the primitive(ID, Integer, Decimal etc) are null. FYI Try to execute this in the Developer console.
Thank you!