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Chayan AroraChayan Arora 

how to display list in apex:page using knockoutjs component

Hi All,
My first concern is: I want to display list in vf page using knockjs component and 
My second concern is: when we edit/update/delete any record then vf page show changes in list which I have done in salesforce without reloading page.
Chayan AroraChayan Arora
This is my code to display list in vf page using knockout js.
<apex:page controller="ListView">
<script src="//"></script>
	<tbody data-bind="foreach: emplist">
			<td data-bind="text: Name"></td>
			<td data-bind="text: Email__c"></td>
			<td data-bind="text: Designation__c"></td>
			<td data-bind="text: Salary__c"></td>
<script type="text/javascript">

	function MyViewModel() {

		var self = this;
		self.emplist = ko.observableArray();

      	var test = function()
      		self.emplist.push({Name: 'a', Email__c:'', Designation__c: 'Developer', Salary__c:'25000'});

    ko.applyBindings(new MyViewModel());
now anyone know about my second concern please reslove it asap.