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How to override the Account page (recent accounts) Page


I am looking for way to override the standard Recent account pages.
User-added image
Basically, I want to remove the New button, and keeping rest as it is.
I donot want to consume new tab

Thanks for suggestion
Best Answer chosen by Ab

The only way to remove it is to remove  the User's permission to create new records of that object (Orders in your case)

You could use a Validation Rule that makes sure an Account is filled in on the Order before it is saved.  That way, you get the same functional behavior as forcing them to create New from an Account detail page.

Nabeel KT

All Answers


The only way to remove it is to remove  the User's permission to create new records of that object (Orders in your case)

You could use a Validation Rule that makes sure an Account is filled in on the Order before it is saved.  That way, you get the same functional behavior as forcing them to create New from an Account detail page.

Nabeel KT
This was selected as the best answer
Vivian Charlie 1208Vivian Charlie 1208

Hi Sandrine,


The New button gets dispplayed if the current user profile has Create access to the object. Anyone without Create access would be unable to see the New button.

Unfortunaltely the Account Tab view cannot be overridden.



It is possible to override the standard account tab by navigating to the Buttons, Links and Actions setup menu avaialble under Accounts and then override the Accounts tab with a visualforce page. But, it would be better to remove the Create permission for Account object from the profile to fulfil your requirement.