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Padmini S 26
increase apex class code coverage
I have written test class for below apex class. Code coverage is 25% only.
Thanks in Advance.
I have written test class for below apex class. Code coverage is 25% only.
public class OpportunityTriggerHelper_AOPLine{ // this function use for update aop line record called when opprtunity status closed . public void updateAOPLineOnOppClosed(){ List<Opportunity> newOpportunities = (List<Opportunity>); Map<Id,Opportunity> oldMapOpportunities = (Map<Id,Opportunity>)trigger.oldMap; Map<Id,Opportunity> newMapOpportunities =(Map<Id,Opportunity>)trigger.newMap; List<Id> oppIds = new List<Id>(); for(Opportunity opp : newOpportunities ){ if(oldMapOpportunities.get(opp.Id).StageName != opp.StageName && opp.StageName == 'Closed' && opp.Month_sap__c != null && opp.Month__c != null && opp.Financial_Year__c!= null) oppIds.add(opp.Id); } if(oppIds.size() > 0){ Set<Id> useridSet = new Set<Id>(); Set<String> oppMonths = new Set<String>(); Set<String> oppYears = new Set<String>(); List<Opportunity> oppList = [SELECT Id,Account.Category__c,MTD_Volume__c,MTD_Focussed_Volume__c,MTD_GP__c,Month__c,Year__c,Financial_Year__c,OwnerId,Owner.ManagerId,Owner.Manager.ManagerId,(SELECT Id, UserId,User.ManagerId,User.Manager.ManagerId,TeamMemberRole FROM OpportunityTeamMembers WHERE TeamMemberRole != null AND UserId != null) FROM Opportunity WHERE Id IN:oppIds]; for(Opportunity opp : oppList){ oppMonths.add(opp.Month__c); oppYears.add(opp.Financial_Year__c); if(opp.OwnerId != null) useridSet.add(opp.OwnerId); if(opp.Owner.ManagerId != null) useridSet.add(opp.Owner.ManagerId); for(OpportunityTeamMember oppTemMember : opp.OpportunityTeamMembers){ useridSet.add(oppTemMember.UserId); if(oppTemMember.User.ManagerId != null) useridSet.add(oppTemMember.User.ManagerId); if(oppTemMember.User.Manager.ManagerId != null) useridSet.add(oppTemMember.User.Manager.ManagerId); } } if(useridSet.size() > 0 && oppMonths.size() >0 && oppYears.size() >0){ Map<Id,User> userMap = new Map<Id,User>([SELECT Id,Profile.Name FROM User WHERE Id IN: useridSet]); Map<String,Id> aopLnMap = new Map<String,Id>(); for(AOP_Line__c aopLn : [SELECT Id,Month__c,MTD_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c, MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c,MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c, MTD_Regional_GP__c, MTD_National_GP__c, MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c,Valvoline_Financial_Year__c,AOP_Plan_User__c FROM AOP_Line__c WHERE AOP_Plan_User__c IN : useridSet AND Month__c IN : oppMonths AND Valvoline_Financial_Year__c IN : oppYears]){ String keyMap = aopLn.Month__c.toUpperCase() +'#'+aopLn.Valvoline_Financial_Year__c+'#'+aopLn.AOP_Plan_User__c; aopLnMap.put(keyMap,aopLn.Id); } if(aopLnMap.size() > 0){ List<Monthly_line_Logs__c> inserMonthLn = new List<Monthly_line_Logs__c>(); for(Opportunity opp : oppList){ opp.MTD_Volume__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c != null ?opp.MTD_Volume__c : 0; opp.MTD_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c != null ? opp.MTD_GP__c : 0; opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c != null ? opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c : 0; String keyMap = opp.Month__c.toUpperCase() +'#'+opp.Financial_Year__c; if(opp.OwnerId != null){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+opp.OwnerId)){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+opp.OwnerId); mnthAopLn.MTD_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Regional_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } } //M1 : TBM's Manager if(opp.Owner.ManagerId != null){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+opp.Owner.ManagerId)){ if(userMap.get(opp.Owner.ManagerId)'ZM')){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+opp.Owner.ManagerId); mnthAopLn.MTD_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Regional_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); }else if(userMap.get(opp.Owner.ManagerId)'NSH')){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+opp.Owner.ManagerId); mnthAopLn.MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_National_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } } } if(opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId != null){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId)){ if(userMap.get(opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId)'NSH')){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId); mnthAopLn.MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_National_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } } } for(OpportunityTeamMember oppTemMember : opp.OpportunityTeamMembers){ if(oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole.EqualsIgnoreCase('RKAM')){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId)){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId); mnthAopLn.MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_National_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } if(oppTemMember.User.ManagerId != null && oppTemMember.User.ManagerId != opp.Owner.ManagerId){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.User.ManagerId)){ if(userMap.get(oppTemMember.User.ManagerId)'ZM')){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.User.ManagerId); mnthAopLn.MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_National_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } } } }else if(oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole.EqualsIgnoreCase('NKAM')){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId)){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId); mnthAopLn.MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_National_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } }else if(oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole.EqualsIgnoreCase('Segment Manager')){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId)){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId); mnthAopLn.MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; mnthAopLn.MTD_National_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; if(opp.Account.Category__c== 'New') mnthAopLn.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } }else if(oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole.EqualsIgnoreCase('Product Manager')){ if(aopLnMap.containsKey(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId)){ Monthly_line_Logs__c mnthAopLn = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id); mnthAopLn.Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get(keyMap+'#'+oppTemMember.UserId); mnthAopLn.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; inserMonthLn.add(mnthAopLn); } } } } if(inserMonthLn.size() > 0) insert inserMonthLn; } }} }}
Test Class: ========== @isTest public class OpportunityTriggerHelper_AOPLineTest1 { static testMethod void AOPTest1(){ List<Opportunity> oppLst= new List<Opportunity>(); profile p1 = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='NSH']; User u= new User(); u.FirstName ='Sagar'; u.Username=''; u.LastName='Sagar'; u.Email=''; u.Alias='Sagar34'; u.CommunityNickname='Sagar'; u.TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles'; u.LocaleSidKey='en_US'; u.EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8'; u.ProfileId = p1.Id; u.LanguageLocaleKey='en_US'; insert u; profile p3 = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='ZM']; User uzm= new User(); uzm.FirstName ='Sagar243'; uzm.Username=''; uzm.LastName='Saga3r'; uzm.Email=''; uzm.Alias='Sagar234'; uzm.CommunityNickname='Sagar23'; uzm.TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles'; uzm.LocaleSidKey='en_US'; uzm.EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8'; uzm.ProfileId = p3.Id; uzm.LanguageLocaleKey='en_US'; insert uzm; profile p2 = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='TBM']; User ut= new User(); ut.FirstName ='Sagar243'; ut.Username=''; ut.LastName='Saga334r'; ut.Email=''; ut.Alias='Sagar234'; ut.CommunityNickname='Sagar2'; ut.TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles'; ut.LocaleSidKey='en_US'; ut.EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8'; ut.ProfileId = p2.Id; ut.LanguageLocaleKey='en_US'; ut.ManagerId=uzm.Id; insert ut; List<Account> accLst= new List<Account>(); String recordTypeSAP = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('SAP Order').getRecordTypeId(); Account acc= new Account(); acc.Name='Testclass acc1'; acc.Is_Parent__c='N'; acc.Type='Factory Fill'; acc.Indutry_Segment__c='On-Highway'; acc.Market_Segment__c='PowerGen'; acc.Quote_allowed__c='Yes'; acc.BU_Name__c='OEM'; acc.Category__c='New'; acc.Account_Type__c='Factory Fill'; accLst.add(acc); insert accLst; Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(); opp.RecordTypeId = recordTypeSAP; opp.AccountId=acc.Id; opp.Name='Testclass Opp SAP'; opp.StageName='Open'; opp.Month__c='OCT'; opp.Year__c='2017'; opp.Financial_Year__c='2017'; opp.Month_sap__c='OCT'; opp.Calendar_Year__c ='2017'; opp.closeDate =; opp.ownerId = ut.Id; // opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId = ut.ManagerId; opp.MTD_Volume__c = 100; opp.MTD_GP__c = 50; opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c = 100; insert opp; List<OpportunityTeamMember> oppTMLst= new List<OpportunityTeamMember>(); OpportunityTeamMember ptm= new OpportunityTeamMember(); ptm.TeamMemberRole = 'Zonal Manager'; ptm.OpportunityId = opp.Id; ptm.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'; ptm.UserId=uzm.Id; oppTMLst.add(ptm); OpportunityTeamMember ptm2= new OpportunityTeamMember(); ptm2.TeamMemberRole = 'NSH'; ptm2.OpportunityId = opp.Id; ptm2.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'; ptm2.UserId=u.Id; oppTMLst.add(ptm2); OpportunityTeamMember ptm3= new OpportunityTeamMember(); ptm3.TeamMemberRole = 'TBM'; ptm3.OpportunityId = opp.Id; ptm3.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'; ptm3.UserId=uzm.Id; oppTMLst.add(ptm3); insert oppTMLst; List<AOP__c> aopList = new List<AOP__c>(); AOP__c aop = new AOP__c(); aop.AOP_DSO__c = 52.00; aop.Valvoline_Financial_Year__c = '2017'; aop.AOP_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = 1.00; aop.AOP_National_Vol_in_kL__c = 2.00; aop.AOP_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = 1.00; aop.AOP_Regional_GP__c = 1; aop.AOP_Forecast_Accuracy__c =10; aop.AOP_New_Win_in_kL__c = 3.00; aop.AOP_National_GP__c = 1.00; aopList.add(aop); insert aopList; List<AOP_Line__c> AopLineList = new List<AOP_Line__c>(); AOP_Line__c aopLine3 = new AOP_Line__c(); aopLine3.AOP__c = aop.Id; aopLine3.AOP_Plan_User__c=uzm.Id; aopLine3.AOP_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c; aopLine3.AOP_New_Win_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_New_Win_in_kL__c; aopLine3.AOP_DSO__c = aop.AOP_DSO__c; aopLine3.AOP_Forecast_Accuracy__c = aop.AOP_Forecast_Accuracy__c; aopLine3.AOP_National_Vol_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_National_Vol_in_kL__c; aopLine3.AOP_Regional_GP__c = aop.AOP_Regional_GP__c; aopLine3.AOP_National_GP__c = aop.AOP_National_GP__c; aopLine3.AOP_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c; aopLine3.Month__c = 'Oct'; AopLineList.add(aopLine3); List<Monthly_Line_Logs__c> molList = new List<Monthly_Line_Logs__c>(); Monthly_line_Logs__c mon1 = new Monthly_line_Logs__c(); mon1.Monthly_line__c= opp.OwnerId; mon1.Monthly_Opportunity__c= opp.Id; mon1.MTD_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c; mon1.MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c; mon1.MTD_Regional_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c; mon1.MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c ; molList.add(mon1); test.startTest(); try{ insert AopLineList; insert molList; } catch(Exception E){} opp.StageName='Closed'; update opp; test.stopTest(); }}Can anyone help on this how to increase the code coverage and where i am missing.
Thanks in Advance.
public class OpportunityTriggerHelper_AOPLine
// this function use for update aop line record called when opprtunity status closed
public void updateAOPLineOnOppClosed()
List<Opportunity> newOpportunities = (List<Opportunity>);
Map<Id,Opportunity> oldMapOpportunities = (Map<Id,Opportunity>) Trigger.oldMap;
Map<Id,Opportunity> newMapOpportunities = (Map<Id,Opportunity>) Trigger.newMap;
List<Id> oppIds = new List<Id>();
for ( Opportunity opp : newOpportunities )
if ( oldMapOpportunities.get( opp.Id ).StageName != opp.StageName
&& opp.StageName == 'Closed'
&& opp.Month_sap__c != null
&& opp.Month__c != null
&& opp.Financial_Year__c != null
) oppIds.add( opp.Id );
if ( oppIds.isEmpty() ) return;
List<Opportunity> oppList =
[ SELECT Id, Account.Category__c, MTD_Volume__c, MTD_Focussed_Volume__c,
MTD_GP__c,Month__c, Year__c, Financial_Year__c, OwnerId,
Owner.ManagerId, Owner.Manager.ManagerId,
( SELECT Id, UserId, User.ManagerId, User.Manager.ManagerId, TeamMemberRole
FROM OpportunityTeamMembers
WHERE ( TeamMemberRole != null
AND UserId != null
FROM Opportunity
WHERE Id IN :oppIds
Set<Id> useridSet = new Set<Id>();
Set<String> oppMonths = new Set<String>();
Set<String> oppYears = new Set<String>();
for ( Opportunity opp : oppList )
oppMonths.add( opp.Month__c );
oppYears.add( opp.Financial_Year__c );
if ( opp.OwnerId != null ) useridSet.add( opp.OwnerId );
if ( opp.Owner.ManagerId != null ) useridSet.add( opp.Owner.ManagerId );
for ( OpportunityTeamMember oppTemMember : opp.OpportunityTeamMembers )
useridSet.add( oppTemMember.UserId );
if ( oppTemMember.User.ManagerId != null ) useridSet.add( oppTemMember.User.ManagerId );
if ( oppTemMember.User.Manager.ManagerId != null ) useridSet.add( oppTemMember.User.Manager.ManagerId );
if ( useridSet.isEmpty() || oppMonths.isEmpty() || oppYears.isEmpty() ) return;
Map<Id,User> userMap = new Map<Id,User>( [SELECT Id, Profile.Name FROM User WHERE Id IN :useridSet] );
MonthlyLineLogManager mllMgr = new MonthlyLineLogManager();
for ( AOP_Line__c aopLn :
[ SELECT Id, Month__c, MTD_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c, MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c,
MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c, MTD_Regional_GP__c, MTD_National_GP__c,
MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c, Valvoline_Financial_Year__c, AOP_Plan_User__c
FROM AOP_Line__c
WHERE ( AOP_Plan_User__c IN :useridSet
AND Month__c IN :oppMonths
AND Valvoline_Financial_Year__c IN :oppYears
mllMgr.addAOPLine( aopLn );
if ( mllMgr.isEmpty() ) return;
for ( Opportunity opp : oppList )
if ( opp.MTD_Volume__c == null ) opp.MTD_Volume__c = 0;
if ( opp.MTD_GP__c == null ) opp.MTD_GP__c = 0;
if ( opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c == null ) opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c = 0;
if ( opp.OwnerId != null )
mllMgr.addMonthlyLineLog( opp, opp.OwnerId );
if ( opp.Owner.ManagerId != null
&& ( userMap.get( opp.Owner.ManagerId ).Profile.Name == 'ZM'
|| userMap.get( opp.Owner.ManagerId ).Profile.Name == 'NSH'
mllMgr.addMonthlyLineLog( opp, opp.Owner.ManagerId );
if ( opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId != null
&& userMap.get( opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId ).Profile.Name == 'NSH'
mllMgr.addMonthlyLineLog( opp, opp.Owner.Manager.ManagerId );
for ( OpportunityTeamMember oppTemMember : opp.OpportunityTeamMembers )
if ( oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole == 'RKAM'
|| oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole == 'NKAM'
|| oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole == 'Segment Manager'
mllMgr.addMonthlyLineLog( opp, oppTemMember.UserId );
if ( oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole == 'Product Manager' )
mllMgr.addMonthlyLineLogPM( opp, oppTemMember.UserId );
if ( oppTemMember.TeamMemberRole == 'RKAM'
&& oppTemMember.User.ManagerId != null
&& oppTemMember.User.ManagerId != opp.Owner.ManagerId
&& userMap.get( oppTemMember.User.ManagerId ).Profile.Name == 'ZM'
mllMgr.addMonthlyLineLog( opp, oppTemMember.User.ManagerId );
private class MonthlyLineLogManager
Map<String,Id> aopLnMap = new Map<String,Id>();
List<Monthly_line_Logs__c> inserMonthLn = new List<Monthly_line_Logs__c>();
String keyMap( String a, String b, String c ) { return a + '#' + b + '#' + c; }
String keyMap( AOP_Line__c aopLn )
return keyMap
( aopLn.Month__c.toUpperCase()
, aopLn.Valvoline_Financial_Year__c
, aopLn.AOP_Plan_User__c
String keyMap( Opportunity opp, Id keyId )
return keyMap
( opp.Month__c.toUpperCase()
, opp.Financial_Year__c
, keyId
void addAOPLine( AOP_Line__c aopLn )
aopLnMap.put( keyMap( aopLn ), aopLn.Id );
Boolean isEmpty() { return aopLnMap.isEmpty(); }
void addMonthlyLineLog( Opportunity opp, Id keyId )
String key = keyMap( opp, keyId );
if ( !aopLnMap.containsKey( key ) ) return;
( new Monthly_line_Logs__c
( Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id
, Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get( key )
, MTD_National_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c
, MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c
, MTD_National_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c
, MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.Account.Category__c == 'New' ? opp.MTD_Volume__c : null
void addMonthlyLineLogPM( Opportunity opp, Id keyId )
String key = keyMap( opp, keyId );
if ( !aopLnMap.containsKey( key ) ) return;
( new Monthly_line_Logs__c
( Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id
, Monthly_line__c = aopLnMap.get( key )
, MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c
void insertMLLs()
insert inserMonthLn;
Test Class:
public class OpportunityTriggerHelper_AOPLineTest1
private static User newUser( Profile profile, String name, User manager )
return new User
( ProfileId = profile.Id
, FirstName = name
, LastName = name
, Email = name + ''
, Username = name + ''
, Alias = name
, CommunityNickname = name
, TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles'
, LocaleSidKey = 'en_US'
, EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8'
, LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US'
, ManagerId = manager != null ? manager.Id : null
static testMethod void AOPTest1()
List<Opportunity> oppLst = new List<Opportunity>();
Profile profileNSH = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'NSH'];
profile profileTBM = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='TBM'];
profile profileZM = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='ZM'];
System.runAs( [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()] )
User userNSH = newUser( profileNSH, 'SagarNSH', null );
insert userNSH;
User userZM = newUser( profileZM, 'SagarZM', null );
insert userZM;
User userTBM = newUser( profileTBM, 'SagarTBM', userTBM );
insert userTBM;
Account acc = new Account
( Name = 'Testclass acc1'
, Is_Parent__c = 'N'
, Type = 'Factory Fill'
, Indutry_Segment__c = 'On-Highway'
, Market_Segment__c = 'PowerGen'
, Quote_allowed__c = 'Yes'
, BU_Name__c = 'OEM'
, Category__c = 'New'
, Account_Type__c = 'Factory Fill'
insert acc;
String recordTypeSAP = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('SAP Order').getRecordTypeId();
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity
, RecordTypeId = recordTypeSAP
, AccountId = acc.Id
, Name = 'Testclass Opp SAP'
, StageName = 'Open';
, Month__c = 'OCT'
, Year__c = '2017'
, Financial_Year__c = '2017'
, Month_sap__c = 'OCT'
, Calendar_Year__c = '2017'
, closeDate =
, ownerId = userTBM.Id
, MTD_Volume__c = 100
, MTD_GP__c = 50
, MTD_Focussed_Volume__c = 100
insert opp;
insert new List<OpportunityTeamMember>
{ new OpportunityTeamMember
( TeamMemberRole = 'Zonal Manager'
, OpportunityId = opp.Id
, OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'
, UserId=userZM.Id
, new OpportunityTeamMember
( TeamMemberRole = 'NSH'
, OpportunityId = opp.Id
, OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'
, UserId = userNSH.Id
, new OpportunityTeamMember
( TeamMemberRole = 'TBM'
, OpportunityId = opp.Id
, OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'
, UserId = userZM.Id
AOP__c aop = new AOP__c
( AOP_DSO__c = 52.00
, Valvoline_Financial_Year__c = '2017'
, AOP_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = 1.00
, AOP_National_Vol_in_kL__c = 2.00
, AOP_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = 1.00
, AOP_Regional_GP__c = 1
, AOP_Forecast_Accuracy__c =10
, AOP_New_Win_in_kL__c = 3.00
, AOP_National_GP__c = 1.00
insert aop;
AOP_Line__c aopLine3 = new AOP_Line__c
( AOP__c = aop.Id
, AOP_Plan_User__c=userZM.Id
, AOP_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c
, AOP_New_Win_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_New_Win_in_kL__c
, AOP_DSO__c = aop.AOP_DSO__c
, AOP_Forecast_Accuracy__c = aop.AOP_Forecast_Accuracy__c
, AOP_National_Vol_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_National_Vol_in_kL__c
, AOP_Regional_GP__c = aop.AOP_Regional_GP__c
, AOP_National_GP__c = aop.AOP_National_GP__c
, AOP_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = aop.AOP_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c
, Month__c = 'Oct'
Monthly_line_Logs__c mon1 = new Monthly_line_Logs__c
( Monthly_line__c = opp.OwnerId
, Monthly_Opportunity__c = opp.Id
, MTD_Regional_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c
, MTD_Focus_Vol_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Focussed_Volume__c
, MTD_Regional_GP__c = opp.MTD_GP__c
, MTD_New_Win_in_kL__c = opp.MTD_Volume__c
insert aopLine3;
insert mon1;
catch ( Exception exceptionThrown )
// eat the exception...
opp.StageName = 'Closed';
update opp;