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Superbadge: Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist (Challenge 10)

I am facing another issue on this superbadge, specifically in Challenge #10, i am getting the following error:
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

The requirements have no mention about what fields, groupings, filters, aggregates to include in the report. What am I missing?
Best Answer chosen by Samy.Saied
So I finally figured out how to finish this issue.
  1. Save the report from the generated link, and then make sure to compare the grouping fields. An easy way to do that is in Run mode. You can see the Group By dropdown showing different values/or not at all when first saved.
  2. Then you need to remove the scope filter, and replace it by regular filter to filter by Campaign ID & Campaign Name.
This should take care of the problem AT LAST :)

All Answers

Sam Friedewald 31Sam Friedewald 31
having the same problem, the instructions say nothing about this. I even tried saving as from the original report and it still gives me that error.
Yeah it is crazy how this superbadge ommits so much requirements and expects you to fill in the gaps. #fail #lightningrolloutsuperbadge #superbad
Cody Enboden 5Cody Enboden 5
I'm struggling with the custom lightning component on this part. Could you help me out with the coding or possibily direct me to a resource, I'm not sure what to look up since the instructions are somewhat vauge. I have a feeling its a custom URL component, but I'm still struggling to find any help articles on how to make these.
So I finally figured out how to finish this issue.
  1. Save the report from the generated link, and then make sure to compare the grouping fields. An easy way to do that is in Run mode. You can see the Group By dropdown showing different values/or not at all when first saved.
  2. Then you need to remove the scope filter, and replace it by regular filter to filter by Campaign ID & Campaign Name.
This should take care of the problem AT LAST :)
This was selected as the best answer
Sam Friedewald 31Sam Friedewald 31

Hi @Samy

How do I replace the scope with the regular filters for campaign Id and name?

Muzammil BajariaMuzammil Bajaria
Hi I am also at challenge 10. Do we have to create a new report? When I click on existing link, It redirects me to reports tab. 
When you open the existing custom link you will find it sending you to a report that uses the "Scope" filter. Change the value of the scope to use "All Campaigns". Then manually add two new filters in the report like any regular filters. Those are the two filters you will pass dynamically from the new link.

@Muzammil Bajaria
when you click on the existing custom link it will send you to a dynamic generated report. It is not saved or anything, it is using the URL parameters to generate the report on the fly. You will have to save it and make sure it is the same as the one in the link, because I noticed once you save it, it loses some of the existing groupings.
@Cody Enboden 5
You need to create a new custom lightning component and add a URL element in there to replace the old sidebar component.
Alexis StevensonAlexis Stevenson
@Samy.Saied - I am having the same issue as Muzammil above, when I click the link it simply sends me to the reports tab. Was there anything as a prereq you had to do to have that report generate?
Alexis StevensonAlexis Stevenson

Got it!

For those that are simply being redirected to the reports tab, try opening the link in classic. :)

Muzammil BajariaMuzammil Bajaria

Thank You Samy for your help. I completed the superbadge. For those who are still struggling, refer to below link

Rigoberto GuthembergRigoberto Guthemberg
Hi all,

Im getting the next error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Didn't find a replacement for the UpsellCrosssellOpportunity link that uses the CreateOppty custom Lightning component.

Anybody have any idea?

Rigoberto GuthembergRigoberto Guthemberg
ok I got the answer here
Rigoberto GuthembergRigoberto Guthemberg

I have the same error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

So, what type of report did you make , tabular,summary?

What I have to aggregate and grouping?

Thank you
Weston Kingery 1Weston Kingery 1

Can anyone solve this final report?  I too have Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.


I don't know where the original report went, so i must make this one from scratch.

I'm getting this error.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The View Lightning Campaign Influence Report link must be included in the Campaign page layout. 

But I have included that custom link in my campaign page layout. Don't know why I got this error. Any one pls help me to pass this challenge
Tanvi Sarolkar 5Tanvi Sarolkar 5
I am still getting error as The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.
I have followed steps mentioned by you but still no luck.
PFB screenshot for the same. 

Please let me know if I have missed anything.
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Tanvi Sarolkar 5Tanvi Sarolkar 5
I pass the Challenge. The issue was with the name of the field. It changed it to View Lightning Campaign Influence Report and it worked successfully.
Shivam GShivam G

@Tanvi sarolkar 5, i am also getting same error.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

 Can you please share screenshot, what exactly you have done as you have completed this challenge.

Faiza Naz 10Faiza Naz 10
This blog have complete solution.
Gaurav Kumar 173Gaurav Kumar 173
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

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Still getting the error .Can any body Help

Follow all the step.
1. Created report on campaign.
2. added two filter.
3. group by name.
change the url of the Link /one/{!Campaign.Name}&fv1={!Campaign.Id}

But still getting the error.

Deepak pal 9Deepak pal 9

@gaurav have you created a new link as per requirement and change the url to the above ?? the image you have shown is not the correct that need to be created.  create a new report from the report type as below highlighted and name it as in the challenge  use two filter campaign name and campaign id this would do. Please give thumbs up if your issue is fixed so it can help other or let me know if you still face the problemuse this report type for new report .
your report should look like this


and the new custom link on Campaign page layout should be like this replace the URL with your report URl.
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Stacey Weiner 6Stacey Weiner 6
Hi everyone, I'm so close...but can't get my code entered on the Lightning Component with this error.  Any ideas? Thanks for your help! 

STRING_TOO_ LONG Description: data value too large: &lt;aura:component implements=&quot;force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,force:lightningQuickAction&quot; access=&quot;global&quot; &gt;<br><br> &lt;aura:attribute name=&quot;myURL&quot; type=&quot;String&quot; default=&quot;;/&gt;<br> &lt;ui:outputURL value=&quot;{!v.myURL}&quot; label=&quot;DestinationSuccess&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;/&gt; (max length=255)
Anushka BansalAnushka Bansal
m not able to add the lightning component to the utility bar .. its not showing in the list 
any suggestions??
Frank Mamone 19Frank Mamone 19
@Samy  Thank buddy!   you solved my report problem!
Hope all is well!
Troy Coffelt 11Troy Coffelt 11
@Stacey Weiner 6,

Did you ever figure that out?
Ross ParksRoss Parks
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The View Lightning Campaign Influence Report link on the Campaign object must use a relative URL and dynamic filter values.

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Campaign Incluence Lightning Report

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I have also included the link in my campaign page

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Rahul GawadeRahul Gawade
Hi All, 

I am getting the following error for Challenge No 10.
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While creating new actiono case i am not able to see the "CreateOppty" lightning component. So can i configure the "CreateOppty" component.

Thanks in Advance!
Megan Leary 13Megan Leary 13
@Ross Parks did you even figure out your issue? I am in the same boat and pretty sure I did everything right with my report and custom link.
Victor Almeida 9Victor Almeida 9
Hello: I'm confused on the 10th challenge with respect to My Domain.  When I check in Setup, I do NOT have My Domain set up, yet the instructions imply that it should be:
"As in other challenges, you'll be doing your work in a free Trailhead Playground org (TP). Use a new TP to avoid unnecessary challenge errors. Note that your Trailhead Playground already has My Domain turned on. DO NOT edit the My Domain settings."
I assume I need that to create the component?  How do I proceed?  Thanks for your help.
@Samy.Saied THANK YOU!!! After days of battling this last requirement of the LEX Rollout Superbadge, your information about needing to Group by Campaign Name and Sum the Opportunity Amount column of the report helped me earn the badge at last!! I had already deleted the original report (won't do that again) so had no clue!
Melissa ShorrockMelissa Shorrock
Alright guys - what am i doing wrong? Help! 
Error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The View Lightning Campaign Influence Report link on the Campaign object must use a relative URL and dynamic filter values.

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Rohan MangalasingheRohan Mangalasinghe
Hi all, has anyone completed this badge recently?  I'm getting the same error as Melissa.

Error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The View Lightning Campaign Influence Report link on the Campaign object must use a relative URL and dynamic filter values.

Upon looking at other posts, it says to check the name of the report and the link, which seem correct to me.  The link works correctly and opens the report with the appropriate data.
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I have also seen references to use this link :
instead of this one:
however, both seem to work correctly and open the report.

Anyone have any ideas of what I'm missing?

I'm also getting the same thing as Rohan and Melissa
Rohan MangalasingheRohan Mangalasinghe
Hi LABBOO and Melissa,

Try replacing the link with /lightning/r/Report/<YOUR REPORT ID>/view?fv0={!Campaign.Id}
Note, my report only has one parameter on it and it's using Campaign ID.

After changing the link, it finally worked and I've got the badge :-)
Thank you, Rohan!  That worked!
Nitika Semwal 11Nitika Semwal 11
Please help someone
I don't what I am missing out. I created report of "Campiagn report type", added filter on name="" and id="" , Summary report.

#frustration building up
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Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12

Hello everyone,
I tried several things, however same error persists.

Error- Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The View Lightning Campaign Influence Report link on the Campaign object must use a relative URL and dynamic filter values.

I have tried - Following Button or Link URL

But no success yet.
Any solution .... I am so close and nothing working.

Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
Thanks Pamela for your prompt response.
I am attaching related screenshots.. Please let me know if there is anything else requiredUser-added imageUser-added image ..


Hi Hemendra Malik 12,
Please post views of your report (names, filters, etc.). I will try to help since I passed this superbadge in April 2018. It is very frustrating because the instructions are not helpful.
Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
Ok, I am sending screenshots of my report (View from classic and view from lightning)

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Here are views of my report which passed this badge in April 2018. Hope this helps!

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In screenshot above note the use of "Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities"

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Report must Sum the # of records and Sum the Opportunity Amount.  
The report passed even though it contained no records.

Good luck!
Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
Pamela thanks for this help, could you please share the view of your custom link "View Lightning Campaign Influence Report"
which should look like the following screenshot. So that I can tune my "View Lightning Campaign Influence Report".
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Also GROUP by Campaign Name on the report (under the "Outline" tab).
Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
My report looks exactly same as yours. I think the problem is in the custom link "View Lightning Campaign Influence Report".
Please share your custom link view so that I can make necessary tweaks in my custom link.
Hi Hemendra - it looks like we may have a difference of one & after the Campaign Name in the link. Also - please check your filters (I show 3 and you show 2) . . . have you filtered on "My Campaigns"? 

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I'm seeing several differences with our links in the Custom Button or Link Detail page . . . here is mine for easier reading. Note it does not begin with https and the domain name:

Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
Thank you Pamela,
So even after giving it a fresh start, recreated all the components (Report and custom link). Error is still there.
Attaching the screenshots.

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Hi Hemendra, I know this is frustrating for you after all the work you've put into this badge. Hang in there! Please post two additional screenshots - the report (as it is generated) and the screen showing the report filters. Everything you've posted above looks good.
Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
Hi Pamela, Posting the required screenshots. Doesn't matter, We can resolve it or not but I highly appreciate your helping hand.

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Hemendra, everything you've posted looks good. Maybe something has changed since April? I'm sorry I haven't been able to help you pass. I have submitted feedback to Trailhead regarding this badge and it's lack of clear requirements. Best of luck!
Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
Thanks Pamela.
Hemendra Malik 12Hemendra Malik 12
Hi Pamela, Following link worked for me. 

Thank you for your support.

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Justin Gavette 16Justin Gavette 16
I am getting the following error on this one:  Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

When I click on the "view lightning campaign influence report" I get the following error

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Justin Gavette 16Justin Gavette 16
Here are my filters... if anyone can help :) 

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Muhammad Ali 82Muhammad Ali 82

Hi anyone who is struggling with this challenge,
After 8 hours of continous struggle, I made it. It was just one field in the report.
If you have done all these things correctly:
1- Filters
      a- All Campaigns
      b- Campaign ID equals ""
      c- Campaign Name equals ""
 2- Correct URL "/lightning/r/Report/00O0o00000BGamXEAT/view?=&fv0={!Campaign.Name}&fv1={!Campaign.Id}"
 3- Correct Report Name & Link Name which are given in the requirement

If you have done all of the above and still getting this error
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

I am pretty sure, you are missing any field in the report. Check all the fields in the snapshot and put them in your report

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Contact Name
Contact: Account
Opportunity Name
Oppt Close Date
Opportunity Amount


Sandeep SahadevanSandeep Sahadevan
So I tried everything and nothing worked.  So I decided to remove the link on the layout page and checked challenge, this gave me error "Link not used in Campaign Layout".  Then I added the link and tried checking the challenge, it WORKED!!!!!!!.  Hope this helps someone else.
MJ MartindillMJ Martindill
@Muhammad Ali 82 this was it! I had one additional column in my report that was causing the issue. Removed it and passed. Thank you!
Daniel Cadwell 63Daniel Cadwell 63
I have been dealing with this step ten now for two weeks help.

I am not getting the fields I need for the report columns. I am missing Responded, Contact: Account, contact Name and the two Oppotunity fields close Date and Amount. 
Daniel Cadwell 66Daniel Cadwell 66
Now I know why. I do not have the proper report type in this org that I have done the first 9 steps. If I start a new org and download the package it shows up. But now because of the dependicies I can not delete the package and re install. 

Any suggestions to complete this would be greatly appreciated.
sourabh shresthasourabh shrestha
Just now , I completed the challenge by changing the grouping in campaing influence report to "Camaign name" It worked.
Mehmet-Ali Sahin 19Mehmet-Ali Sahin 19
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

I am pretty sure the issue is coming from my report Campaign Influence Lightning. "Report type: Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities". It shows all the opportunities. I created this report type. How can fix to have the correct records and record type showing me the all the campaings. What is wrong with that ? Can someone help ?User-added image
Abey Mathews 19Abey Mathews 19
Thanks to sourabh shrestha,

I completed the challenge by changing the grouping in campaing influence report to "Camaign name" It worked.