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santhoshkumar Bhojan 14
Trigger to update lookup field in its related objects
Hi, Could you please help me with the below Apex trigger. I am new to coding and SFDC as well .I am not sure what went wrong. Here is my code
Contact-lookup with case(Case_c)
Caselookup with Opportunity (Opportunity_c)and Contact(contact)
Opportunity lookup with Contact(contact_c)
Whenever I update case_c field in Contact,it should update case object and its related opportunity (I mean the lookup field should be updated with contact name automatically)
trigger Contacttriggertoupdatecase1 on Contact (before update) { Set<Id> contactids=new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,case> oppcase=new Map<Id,case>(); for(contact { contactids.add(; } List<contact> conlist=[Select Id,FirstName,Name, from contact where Id IN:contactids]; List<case> caselist=[Select Id,contactid from case where contactId IN: contactids]; if(Caselist.size()>0) { for(Integer i=0;i<caselist.size();i++) { if(Trigger.isbefore&&Trigger.isupdate) { if(Trigger.New[i].case__c!='NULL') { Caselist[i].contactid=Trigger.New[i].id; } } } } //Child Parent SOQL query to retrieve its related opportunity List<case> caseopplist=[Select Id,caseNumber, from Case where id IN:caselist]; for(case co:caseopplist) { //Adding case and its related opportunity id in Map oppcase.put(,co); } //Querying related opportunities List<opportunity> opplisttoupdate=[Select id,contact__c from opportunity where id in:oppcase.keyset()]; if(opplisttoupdate.size()>0) { for(contact con:Trigger.New) { for(opportunity o:opplisttoupdate) { o.contact__c =Trigger.New[0].id;; //opplisttoupdate[l].contact__c[l].id; opplisttoupdate.add(o); } } update opplisttoupdate; } } Regards,
Contact-lookup with case(Case_c)
Caselookup with Opportunity (Opportunity_c)and Contact(contact)
Opportunity lookup with Contact(contact_c)
Whenever I update case_c field in Contact,it should update case object and its related opportunity (I mean the lookup field should be updated with contact name automatically)
trigger Contacttriggertoupdatecase1 on Contact (before update) { Set<Id> contactids=new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,case> oppcase=new Map<Id,case>(); for(contact { contactids.add(; } List<contact> conlist=[Select Id,FirstName,Name, from contact where Id IN:contactids]; List<case> caselist=[Select Id,contactid from case where contactId IN: contactids]; if(Caselist.size()>0) { for(Integer i=0;i<caselist.size();i++) { if(Trigger.isbefore&&Trigger.isupdate) { if(Trigger.New[i].case__c!='NULL') { Caselist[i].contactid=Trigger.New[i].id; } } } } //Child Parent SOQL query to retrieve its related opportunity List<case> caseopplist=[Select Id,caseNumber, from Case where id IN:caselist]; for(case co:caseopplist) { //Adding case and its related opportunity id in Map oppcase.put(,co); } //Querying related opportunities List<opportunity> opplisttoupdate=[Select id,contact__c from opportunity where id in:oppcase.keyset()]; if(opplisttoupdate.size()>0) { for(contact con:Trigger.New) { for(opportunity o:opplisttoupdate) { o.contact__c =Trigger.New[0].id;; //opplisttoupdate[l].contact__c[l].id; opplisttoupdate.add(o); } } update opplisttoupdate; } } Regards,
All Answers
What Error you are facing. Your question is not clear. Still as per my usderstanding I am posting a snippet. Let me know if you have any doubts.
trigger Contacttriggertoupdatecase1 on Contact (before update) {
for(contact {
for(contact CON:Trigger.old) {
List<contact> conlist=[Select Id,FirstName,Name, from contact where Id IN:newContactMap.keySet()];
List<case> caselist=[Select Id,contactid from case where contactId IN: newContactMap.keySet()];
List<case> upsertList = new List<case>();
map<id,contact> newContactMap = new map<id,contact>();
map<id,contact> oldContactMap = new map<id,contact>();
for(contact con :{
if(newContactMap.get( == oldContactMap.get({
if(newContactMap.get( != oldContactMap.get({
for(case c :caselist){
if( == con.case__c && != null){
upsert upsertList;
Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: case_c at line 15 column 43.
for(Case c : caseList){
mapOfCaseByCaseId.put(c.Id, c);
But in line 24,you are retreiving as contact field i.e Case c = mapOfCaseByCaseId.get(ct.case__c).Can you please give me some headsup on this .I am completely confused
Santhosh Kumar
Santhosh Kumar