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Mārtiņš GrišānsMārtiņš Grišāns 

Salesforce Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Superbadge Challenge 6

Did anyone have this issue with challenge 6.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Didn't find a Lightning page named Key Sales Data. This page must include: 1. List of new Accounts this week, 2. Recent items showing an "Opportunity", "Lead" and "Contact", 3. Log A Call and New Opportunity actions. Don't use the CreateOppty custom Lightning component for this challenge.

My Key Sales Data Lightning page screenshots:
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Best Answer chosen by Mārtiņš Grišāns
Sitarama MurthySitarama Murthy

follow this steps:
  1. Create the App page with name : Key Sales Data
  2. select any template 
  3. add Filter List component from left side component list.
    1. In the Filter List Component select Account and for filter value select 'New This Week'
  4. Add Recent Items component, in object select : opportunity,Lead,Contacts.
  5. In Actions select Log call and New Opportunity compoenents (refer screen shot below)
    1. User-added image

Hope This Helps!.


All Answers

Sitarama MurthySitarama Murthy

follow this steps:
  1. Create the App page with name : Key Sales Data
  2. select any template 
  3. add Filter List component from left side component list.
    1. In the Filter List Component select Account and for filter value select 'New This Week'
  4. Add Recent Items component, in object select : opportunity,Lead,Contacts.
  5. In Actions select Log call and New Opportunity compoenents (refer screen shot below)
    1. User-added image

Hope This Helps!.

This was selected as the best answer
Mārtiņš GrišānsMārtiņš Grišāns
Thanks Ram,

Because of your post I undertstand my mistake.
You need to create one recent items component with three objects, not three recent items components.


sparsh bhatnagarsparsh bhatnagar
i m strugling with the same error but can not find any reason for it error
Mārtiņš GrišānsMārtiņš Grišāns
This is how it looks for me.

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sparsh bhatnagarsparsh bhatnagar
see its the same for me , but still why ? checkcheckcheck
sparsh bhatnagarsparsh bhatnagar
got it i have selected "New last week " instead of "New Last week" , my bad so much time wasted just coz of such small stuff , thanks anyways
Mārtiņš GrišānsMārtiņš Grišāns
actions on the page;
objects in Recent items component;
filters in Filter items component.
Natalya MurphyNatalya Murphy
Has anyone found any other gotchas for this?   I'm stuck on the non-helpful error message "Didn't find a Lightning page named Key Sales Data. This page must include: 1. List of new Accounts this week, 2. Recent items showing an "Opportunity", "Lead" and "Contact", 3. Log A Call and New Opportunity actions. Don't use the CreateOppty custom Lightning component for this challenge."  So far I've tried:
  • Creating a second app page named "Key Sales Data" - that just caused a SOQL error when I tried to validate it, so it's definitely finding the app page 
  • Tried various screen layouts
  • Tried creating the Recent items both as a single component with Opportunity, Contact and Lead and as three separate components (1 of each object)
  • Have quadruple-checked filter settings on the Account list
  • Have re-created the global New Opportunity action both with a standard and custom label
  • Have verified that the page is available both in the Sales App and on Mobile
What the heck am I missing?   This is the most poorly-validated and designed Superbadge I've done to date.  
Nick GarrisonNick Garrison

I am exactly where you are. What I noticed is in my recent items component no records are showing up. I think that is what is throwing the error. 
Nick GarrisonNick Garrison
Here is what I did. I had to create a new contact, lead and opportunity. They then showed up in recent events. That seemed to solve the problem. Hope that helps
Charles ThompsonCharles Thompson
Follow Ram's ("best answer") steps, but in Spring'18, "Filter List" is now called "List View" in the left-hand list of components.

I used the Header and Three Columns layout template, but you only need two columns :-)
Sombir PalitSombir Palit
Eventhough I followed everything mentioned in Ram's answer, I still get the same error. Could someone point out my mistake here please? Stuck for last 2 hours:
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Charles ThompsonCharles Thompson
Your Accounts list view doesn't look correct - should be filtered by Created Date.  It should not be filtered by "My Accounts".
Sombir PalitSombir Palit
Thanks for looking at it Charles. I tried that too. But even then I'm getting the same problem. 
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Sombir PalitSombir Palit
Regarding the list view, I dont have a standard new this week, so had to create a new one with the created date = THIS WEEK.
Sombir PalitSombir Palit
Ok, I found the problem. In my case, the developer org is very old. And we did not have the standard account list view called 'New This Week' and so I was creating a custom one mimicking the same thing. That seems to have been causing this problem. I tried with a new playground, and it worked out in go. 
Daryush Nadimi 30Daryush Nadimi 30
The New Opportunity Action does not display, even when selected. Anyone else run into this problem?
Vinay RamuVinay Ramu
Thanks Martins. Same mistake of adding 3 recent items changed to one recent item with all 3 object.
Carol NgCarol Ng
I am stuck on the Action piece. I have gone to Page and added the Actions of Log a Call and New Opportunity. But they do not show on the page when I view it in the Sales App. User-added image

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I have tried to change the Template - but that doesn't help. What am I missing?
Admin User 8514Admin User 8514
Hey Daryush Nadimi 30,
Go to Global Actions in Setup and on the New Opportunity action click edit and add the record type. 
Jeremias KorachJeremias Korach
Use the code javascript:(0) in the description box