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Chris Sorrows 1Chris Sorrows 1 

Winter 18 issue - standard related lists not loading in Lightning Experience?

This morning, my team and I are seeing problems in our Winter 18 sandboxes where standard related lists are not loading in Lightning Experience.  We just see the spinner, and the list never loads.  Things like "Notes", "Activities" etc are not loading, even after refreshing pages or logging out and back in.

Is anybody else seeing this, or is this a known issue they're working on?

Benjamin GittinsBenjamin Gittins

Hi Chris, 

I am also seeing Problems in my Winter 18 Sandboxes, where I "just see the spinner, and the content never loads".  See my posting here: WINTER '18 - SERIOUS BUG - FLOW HANGS WHEN UPDATING THE VALUE OF A PICKLIST FIELD IN CUSTOM OBJECT.||

This problem occurs every single time. Nothing I do gets around it.  I don't know if it is directly related to your problem, but I thought i'd raise it as i have not seen Summer '17 hang in an indefinite loop without reporting errors in the debug log before.  So now there seem to be two examples of Winter '18 hanging now.
