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DMario  LewisDMario Lewis 

ShoreTel to Salesforce Itegration


I'm having an issues with Salesforce to Shoretel Integration, when our users try to log a call with the status of, "No VM was left"  logs say the task is successfully logged however, its not.

14:26:47.364 INFO : 914719622: Call 00030000-3358-58c8-b5bf-0010493209a9: >>> Salesforce Save Log
14:26:47.364 DEBUG : 914719622: Call 00030000-3358-58c8-b5bf-0010493209a9: Save Params: Subject=Call 8/1/2017 2:26 PM&Activitydate=2017-8-1&CallObject=00030000-3358-58c8-b5bf-0010493209a9&Phone=+1 (616) 888-3010&Description=&CallDurationInSeconds=13&CallType=Outbound&Status=completed&Type=Call&whoId=00Q0G00001AwZNz&whatId=&CallDisposition=No VM was Left

14:26:47.364 DEBUG : >>> SaveLog: "Task"
14:26:47.367 DEBUG : <<< SaveLog: "Task"

14:26:47.676 DEBUG : !!! SaveLog: "Task": Success
I'm assuming that this is done by code / managed package provided by Shortel?  If so, you will need to reach out to them for assistance.  If this is code that you developed, please include the code here as well as any documentation to the relevant Shortel APIs used.

NOTE: When adding code please use the "Add a code sample" button (icon <>) to increase readability and make it easier to reference.