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Looping to find minimum
Below is my batch class to find the minimum pageview/session rate if affiliated record matches certain criteria.
Concept is simple, get all Monthly Activities in a LIST and compare their Pageview_Rate against Minimum_Pageview_Rate.
If it is higher, then replace the Minimum with Pageview_Rate.
Minimum_Pageview_Rate is a common value for all records for that ONE MONTH and YEAR.
The batch is executing , but isn't updating anything.
Can someone point out what I amy be doing wrong here.
I apologize in advance for any basic error.
I am not very adept in writing batch jobs.
Any help is appreciated.
Below is my batch class to find the minimum pageview/session rate if affiliated record matches certain criteria.
Concept is simple, get all Monthly Activities in a LIST and compare their Pageview_Rate against Minimum_Pageview_Rate.
If it is higher, then replace the Minimum with Pageview_Rate.
Minimum_Pageview_Rate is a common value for all records for that ONE MONTH and YEAR.
The batch is executing , but isn't updating anything.
Can someone point out what I amy be doing wrong here.
I apologize in advance for any basic error.
I am not very adept in writing batch jobs.
Any help is appreciated.
global class BatchToFindFormerAuthorRate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Schedulable{ global final string query; private Date currentDate =; global BatchToFindFormerAuthorRate(){ query = 'SELECT Id,Paid_On__c,FA_Pageview_Rate__c,FA_Session_Rate__c, Minimum_Pageview_Rate__c,Minimum_Session_Rate__c, Expert_Contract__r.Status__c, Month__c, Year__c ,Pageview_Rate__c, Session_Rate__c FROM Monthly_Activity__c'; } global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Monthly_Activity__c> scope){ List<Monthly_Activity__c> monActList = new List<Monthly_Activity__c>(); for(Monthly_Activity__c c : scope){ if(c.Expert_Contract__r.Status__c == 'Live' && c.Month__c == currentDate.month() && c.Year__c == currentDate.year()){ if(c.Paid_On__c == 'Pageviews' && c.Minimum_Pageview_Rate__c > c.Pageview_Rate__c ){ c.Minimum_Pageview_Rate__c = c.Pageview_Rate__c; c.FA_Pageview_Rate__c = c.Minimum_Pageview_Rate__c/2; monActList.add(c); }else if(c.Paid_On__c == 'Sessions' && c.Minimum_Session_Rate__c > c.Session_Rate__c){ c.Minimum_Session_Rate__c = c.Session_Rate__c; c.FA_Session_Rate__c = c.Session_Rate__c/2; monActList.add(c); } } } update monActList; } global void execute(SchedulableContext SC){ Database.executeBatch(new BatchToFindFormerAuthorRate()); } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ List<String> EMAIL_RESULTS = new List<String>{System.Label.Email_List}; AsyncApexJob apexBatchResult = [ SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed, TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE Id =: BC.getJobId() ]; // Generate email body } }
Best Answer chosen by Cloud Atlas
Paul S.
Your code is currently only updating the pageview rate fields if the pageviews are LESS than the minimum. Try this: