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Yash RathodYash Rathod 

You have uncommitted changes to this VisualForce page. This preview will show the most recently committed version of this page, not your current changes.


I've created a Visualforce page which shows a basic Contact record using standard controller. Below is the code:

<apex:page standardController="Contact">
    <apex:pageBlock title="COntact Summary">
    {"url": "/apex/pageName?&id=0037F000007xdK4QAI"}).fire();
            First Name: {! Contact.FirstName} <br/>
            Last Name: {! Contact.LastName} <br/>
            Contact Owner's Email: {! Contact.Owner.Email} <br/>
    </apex:pageBlock >

But, when preview it after saving, everytime it prompts " PAGE NOT SAVED. You have uncommitted changes to this VisualForce page. This preview will show the most recently committed version of this page, not your current changes." Also the preview page is blank. 

I would like to know what is missing here. I am not able to solve it.
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Yash,

Hi Yash,

Please try the below piece of code which is working fine for me.
<apex:page standardController="Contact"> 
<apex:pageBlock title="Account Summary"> 
<apex:pageBlockSection > First Name: {! Contact.FirstName } <br/> 
Last Name: {! Contact.LastName } <br/> 
Owner's Email: {! Contact.Owner.Email } <br/> 
Hope this helps.

Please mark this as solved if it's resolved.
