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teena jacobteena jacob 

Display filtered lookup value based on other filed value.

       There is 2 custom object A & B, it's in a master-detail relationship. From the 3rd object, there is 2 lookup field to object A & B. I need to display records in B based on the record in lookup field to object A.
Best Answer chosen by teena jacob
If you want filtered obejct B records only related to the Object A record in the look-up field (where you are selecting object B records) then, we can get this done using look-up filters.

Edit the field on which you would like to limit the records and specify criteria under Look-up filter 

Hope this helps ...!!

All Answers

Where would you like to display object B records related to object A?  
If you want filtered obejct B records only related to the Object A record in the look-up field (where you are selecting object B records) then, we can get this done using look-up filters.

Edit the field on which you would like to limit the records and specify criteria under Look-up filter 

Hope this helps ...!!
This was selected as the best answer
Take a look at Lookup Dialogs layout of the object record that you are selecting and you should be able to add fields in that layout to become visible in the look-up dialogues. Hope this helps ...!!!
teena jacobteena jacob
Hi Vamsi
   Thank you!!