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Nikhil Shrigod 17Nikhil Shrigod 17 

Changing the Owner of Account records by writing an apex trigger

trigger AccountTransfer on User (before insert)
    List<Account> acc=[select name,  from account where = 'Mario Wade'];
    User u=[select Id from user where name='AB CD'];
    User u1=[select Id from user where name='Mario Wade'];
        for(Account a:acc)
    update acc;    

Say there are two users:
1)Mario Wade and
And the owner of the records created of account object is Mario Wade.
Now what i want to do is, when the trigger gets fired, the owner of the account standard object records should get changed from Mario Wade to AB CD.

I have written above code for it, bur the owner of the records isn't getting changed.
So please help.
Abhishek BansalAbhishek Bansal
Hi Nikhil,

Please modify your trigger code as below:
trigger changeOwner on Account(before insert){
	Map<String,User> mapOfUser = new Map<String,User>();
	for(User usr : [Select Id, Name from User where Name IN ('AB CD','Mario Wade')]){
	for(Account acc :{
		if(acc.OwnerId == mapOfUser.get('Mario Wade').Id){
			acc.OwnerId = mapOfUser.get('AB CD').Id;

Please let me know if you need any other help/information on this.

Abhishek Bansal.