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Warren Wade, AE
After Delete error - Roll Up Trigger - "Attempt to de-reference a null object"
'm working on a trigger for an org I do some volunteering for and I'm stuck (because I'm not good at this).
Preservation_Object__c is the Master object and Preservation_Activities__c is the child account
It's supposed to update the parent object with the Activity_Type__c of most recent Activity_Date__c
When the Child record is updated or inserted, it works like it's supposed to.
With the trigger.isdelete added, I'm getting an "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error at line 5.
Any thoughts on how this could get fixed?
Preservation_Object__c is the Master object and Preservation_Activities__c is the child account
It's supposed to update the parent object with the Activity_Type__c of most recent Activity_Date__c
When the Child record is updated or inserted, it works like it's supposed to.
With the trigger.isdelete added, I'm getting an "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error at line 5.
Any thoughts on how this could get fixed?
trigger RollUpRecentActivity on Preservation_Activities__c (after insert, after update, before delete) { set<Id>setPreserveId = new set<Id>(); list<Preservation_Object__c>listPreserve = new list<Preservation_Object__c>(); if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate || trigger.isdelete){ for(Preservation_Activities__c{ setPreserveId.add(oActivities.Preservation_Object__c); } } system.debug('@developer-->setPreserveId: '+setPreserveId); if(setPreserveId.size()>0){ for(Preservation_Activities__c oActivities:[ Select Preservation_Object__c,id,Name,Activity_Type__c,Activity_Date__c from Preservation_Activities__c where Preservation_Object__c In:setPreserveId and Activity_Date__c != null and isDeleted = FALSE order by Activity_Date__c desc limit 1]){ Preservation_Object__c oPreserve = new Preservation_Object__c(); oPreserve.Id = oActivities.Preservation_Object__c; oPreserve.Last_Activity_Type__c = oActivities.Activity_Type__c; listPreserve.add(oPreserve); } system.debug('@developer-->listPreserve: '+listPreserve); if(listPreserve.size()>0){ update listPreserve; } } }
Whenever you use trigger.isdelete , You should always use Trigger.Old.
As records which are about to be deleted, will be available in Trigger.Old, not in You should make any other changes accordingly....
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