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Vrushali Pradhan 10
compare dates in javascript on a custom button
I am trying to compare dates to allow the clone functionality to work. I have following javascript on a custom button but it doesnt work.
var SCAssgn = "{!Quote__c.CreatedDate}";
var mydate = new Date(SCAssgn);
var cutoff = new Date("10/6/2017")
alert(cutoff) ;
if(SCAssgn < cutoff )
alert("You cannot clone this quote. Please create a new Quote");
else {
var SCAssgn = "{!Quote__c.CreatedDate}";
var mydate = new Date(SCAssgn);
var cutoff = new Date("10/6/2017")
alert(cutoff) ;
if(SCAssgn < cutoff )
alert("You cannot clone this quote. Please create a new Quote");
else {
Please try,
if (SCAssgn.getTime() > cutoff.getTime())
We cannot compare the date object directly.
hope this helps!
I think it will help.