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Hussein Azeez 2
Hi everyone, I would like to get some help on creating a testing class for a Webservice callout class
Here is the class that I want to create a test class for
I've tried to test it with CalloutWithStaticResources but it turned out that the class method declared as a void type. Here is the test class that I've tried to use:
The test is failed and I only got 18% coverage.
I will appreciate any kind of help. Thank you.
@RestResource(urlMapping='/delivery_report') global class SmsDeliveryReport { @HttpGet global static void receiveReport() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; if(req.params.containsKey('Transaction') && req.params.containsKey('Status')) { List<Task> updatedSms = updateDeliveryStatus(req.params.get('Transaction'), req.params.get('Status')); if(!updatedSms.isEmpty()) { res.statuscode = 200; res.addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('REPORT_RECEIVED'); } else { res.statuscode = 500; res.addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_REPORT'); } } else { res.statuscode = 400; res.addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD'); } } private static List<Task> updateDeliveryStatus(String transactionId, String newStatus) { List<Task> sms = [ SELECT SMS_Delivery_Status__c FROM Task WHERE SMS_Transaction_ID__c = :transactionId ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1 ]; if(!sms.isEmpty()) { sms.get(0).SMS_Delivery_Status__c = newStatus; update sms; } return sms; } }
I've tried to test it with CalloutWithStaticResources but it turned out that the class method declared as a void type. Here is the test class that I've tried to use:
@IsTest public class SmsDeliveryReportTest { @isTest static void receiveReportTest() { // Use StaticResourceCalloutMock built-in class to // specify fake response and include response body // in a static resource. StaticResourceCalloutMock mock = new StaticResourceCalloutMock(); mock.setStaticResource('mockResponse'); mock.setStatusCode(200); mock.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // Set the mock callout mode Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mock); HTTPResponse res = new HTTPResponse(); // Call the method that performs the callout SmsDeliveryReport.receiveReport(); // Verify response received contains values returned by // the mock response. // This is the content of the static resource. System.assertEquals('{"hah":"fooled you"}', res.getBody()); System.assertEquals(200,res.getStatusCode()); System.assertEquals('application/json', res.getHeader('Content-Type')); } }
The test is failed and I only got 18% coverage.
I will appreciate any kind of help. Thank you.
Try with following test class. I have removed the assersion. You may need to add return type to assert.
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