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Trigger Error: First exception on row 0; first error: MISSING_ARGUMENT, Id not specified in an update call: []:
New to writing trigger so I'm unsure why I'm getting the Id is not specified error. Goal is if an existing user record's Channel OR LOB field is updated then, it should look for existing User History record and update the Role_End_Date__c and create a new history record with for that same user with the Role_Start_Date__c as today.
New to writing trigger so I'm unsure why I'm getting the Id is not specified error. Goal is if an existing user record's Channel OR LOB field is updated then, it should look for existing User History record and update the Role_End_Date__c and create a new history record with for that same user with the Role_Start_Date__c as today.
public class UserHistory_CreateUpdateFromUser { public static void findUser(List<User> newUsers, Map<Id,User> oldUsers, Boolean isInsert){ List<User> newUserList = new List<User>(); List<User> lOBChannelList = new List<User>(); List<User> isActiveList = new List<User>(); List<User> uManagerLOBChannelList = new List<User>(); List<User> uManagerList = new List<User>(); Map<Id,List<User>> reasonForUpdatingUser = new Map<Id,List<User>>(); for(User u : newUsers){ //New user && Channel != Non Sales if(u.Channel__c != 'Non Sales'){ if(isInsert){ newUserList.add(u); System.debug('newUserList: '+ newUserList); } //Existing user && Channel || LOB is changed else if(!isInsert && (u.Channel__c != oldUsers.get(u.Id).Channel__c || u.LOB_Focus__c != oldUsers.get(u.Id).LOB_Focus__c)) { lOBChannelList.add(u); System.debug('lOBChannelList: '+ lOBChannelList); } //Existing user && deactived else if(!isInsert && u.IsActive != oldUsers.get(u.Id).IsActive){ isActiveList.add(u); System.debug('isActiveList: '+ isActiveList); } //Existing user && Manager is changed && Channel || LOB is changed else if(!isInsert && u.ManagerId != oldUsers.get(u.Id).ManagerId && (u.Channel__c != oldUsers.get(u.Id).Channel__c || u.LOB_Focus__c != oldUsers.get(u.Id).LOB_Focus__c)){ uManagerLOBChannelList.add(u); System.debug('uManagerLOBChannelList: '+ uManagerLOBChannelList); } //Existing user && Manager is changed else if(!isInsert && u.ManagerId != oldUsers.get(u.Id).ManagerId){ uManagerList.add(u); System.debug('uManagerList: '+ uManagerList); } } } if(newUserList.size()>0){ newUser(newUserList); } if(lOBChannelList.size()>0){ lOBChannelUpdate(lOBChannelList); } if(isActiveList.size()>0){ userisActiveUpdate(isActiveList); } if(uManagerList.size()>0){ managerUpdateOnly(uManagerList); } if(uManagerLOBChannelList.size()>0){ managerLOBChannelUpdate(uManagerLOBChannelList); } } public static void lOBChannelUpdate(List<User> lOBChannelList){ //Find existing User History record and update end date fields //Create new user history record and update fields based on user changes List<Id> userIds = new List<Id>(); List<User_History__c> existingUHtoUpdate = new List<User_History__c>(); List<User_History__c> newUHtoInsert = new List<User_History__c>(); for(User u : lOBChannelList){ userIds.add(u.Id); } System.debug('userIds: '+ userIds); System.debug('lOBChannelList: '+ lOBChannelList); if(userIds.size()>0){ List<User_History__c> eUH = [SELECT Id, User__C, Role_End_Date__c, Manager_End_Date__c FROM User_History__c WHERE User__c =:userIds]; System.debug('eUH' + eUH); for(User_History__c uH : eUH){ User_History__c existingUH = new User_History__c(); if(uH.Role_End_Date__c == NULL){ existingUH.Role_End_Date__c =; existingUH.Id = uH.Id; } else if(uH.Manager_End_Date__c == NULL){ existingUH.Manager_End_Date__c =; existingUH.Id = uH.Id; } else if(uH.Role_End_Date__c == NULL && uH.Manager_End_Date__c == NULL){ existingUH.Role_End_Date__c =; existingUH.Manager_End_Date__c =; existingUH.Id = uH.Id; } existingUHtoUpdate.add(existingUH); } System.debug('existingUHtoUpdate: '+ existingUHtoUpdate); for(User u1 : lOBChannelList){ User_History__c newUH = new User_History__c( User__c = u1.Id, Channel__c = u1.Channel__c, LOB_Focus__c = u1.LOB_Focus__c, Role_Start_Date__c =, Manager_Start_Date__c = ); newUHtoInsert.add(newUH); } System.debug('newUHtoInsert: '+ newUHtoInsert); } if(!existingUHtoUpdate.isempty()){ Database.update(existingUHtoUpdate); } System.debug('Databaseupdate existingUHtoUpdate: ' + existingUHtoUpdate); if(!newUHtoInsert.isempty()){ Database.insert(newUHtoInsert); } }I've checked on the debug log that it is finding the Id of the existing User History record when I do the query and added it on the list 'eUH' and looped through that list.
So you should replace
Database.update(existingUHtoUpdate); [line -> 121]with Database.upsert(existingUHtoUpdate);