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Business Admin Specialist Superbadge Step 2


I receive this error message : Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Lincoln Ulrich cannot set up and execute marketing campaigns to his accounts.  

I probed adding permission set, set to marketing user, set to system admin but I have the same issue.

Patrick McClellanPatrick McClellan
It's really easy to do, and also easy to miss. You just need to select Marketing User on this User setup. 
User-added image
Thank you for your help. It works. First I set Marketing User Profile. Now I see the difference between Marketing User Profile and Marketing User checkbox. 
Rahul Agrawal 43Rahul Agrawal 43

Business Administration Specialist: Step 2:

I am getting another issue like: 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Lance Park's Salesforce UI language is incorrect. Note that some languages have more than one option.

I set the language of this user to Spanish, but still I am getting this error.
please suggest.

Gergo Huszár 7Gergo Huszár 7
Set the language to Spanish (Mexico) not to Spanish /only/
Rahul Agrawal 43Rahul Agrawal 43
Thanks a lot Gergo... it done...
Archita patnaik 2Archita patnaik 2
I did  the same thing like:
Role: Customer Support, North America
User License: Salesforce
Profile: Standard user
Marketing user: checked

But i am getting this error: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The solution for extending access does not have the correct name.
Archita patnaik 2Archita patnaik 2
Can anybody tell me what's wrong?
Hi Arpita,
From the error message that you provided, I think this could be the reason :

For the user Shinje Tashi , a permission set called 'Bilingual Pilot' has to be created, Check if you have named that permission set properly.
Marshall PriestMarshall Priest
I am having an issue with the license for Lincoln Ulrich. I don't get an option for Standard User. The licenses available from the drop down are: Subscription
Partner App Subscription
Salesforce Platform Only

None of these have the option to select 'Marketing User' and don't have 'Standard User'. Have I provisioned the licenses wrong? I am unsure how to fix this problem. Thanks in advance


@Marshall -- it's been a while since I did this one, but I believe the problem is, as a playground (or dev org), you're limited in terms of how many users you can have of a particular type. If I recall correctly, I think you have to deactive another user so you can assign Lincoln to the right license.

Hope that helps.
Marshall PriestMarshall Priest
Thanks @PatMcClellan_c. I tried deactivating the integration user and security user but it won't let me do this. In this case Ada and Shinje need to be active but no others are active. I can't deactivate myself. I am unsure how to proceed. Even if I deactivate or change the licenses for other people it still doesn't give me the option to select anything for Lincoln Ulrich except Salesforce Platform (license) and Salesforce Platform User (profile). Maybe I created them in the wrong order? Would that make a difference?
Steve KasinetzSteve Kasinetz
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: GYBENFOJ

I would really not prefer to spend 2 hours starting all over again with a new org.  Any suggestions?
AG 11AG 11
My guess is that you have already created all the users and now are trying to change the license type. This may not work as there can only be 2 active salesforce licenses at a time in developer edition – what we use for trailheads. The workaround is this:
1. Deactivate Shinje (for now).
2. And then go back to Lincon and assign him the Standard User profile (under Salesforce License). Since both Lincon & Shinje are inactive - this will not impact the total number of users using the Salesforce license. Right now we have only 1 active Salesforce License user and that is you as the Admin.
3. Next error that you will get is that Shinje is inactive. For that go back to the user – Shinje and activate him. (Now you have 2 active salesforce users)
Hope this helps!!

AG 11
Michelle ClemerMichelle Clemer
I seems that my problems flactuate between Lincoln Ulrich and Shinje Tashi. I cannot give them both Salesforce User license, one of them has to use Salesforce Platform. anyone has any idea how I can fix this? 

Thanks in advance,

Haley Box 9Haley Box 9
So I am about ready to lose my cool.  I am getting the error message regarding Lance Park's UI language being incorrect.  Here is how I have it set.  I have double checked and triple checked that all his other settings match the business requirements.  What am I missing?!User-added image
Richard Pagé MSc.Richard Pagé MSc.
@Haley Box 9

Language = Spanish (Mexico)
Moumita Pain 11Moumita Pain 11
I am getting error message "Lincoln Ulrich cannot set up and execute marketing campaigns to his account". Lincoln is a standard User. However Marketing User check box is disabled. Please help.
Natasha ChaikaNatasha Chaika
I have 1 remaining Marketing User licence, but Marketing user checkbox is not clickable under User Set up.
Licence: Salesforce  Platform
Profile : Stadard Platform user.
What could be a solution here?
Prakash Ramaswamy 7Prakash Ramaswamy 7
User License should be Salesforce and not Salesforce Platform
Profile should be Standard User and not Standard Platform User
Once you change as above Marketing User would be clickable
Aditya MandalaAditya Mandala
Hi why I dont have the salesforce platform in the picklist ? how do I manage the picklist license? help me pleasee
Himanshu Srivastava 17Himanshu Srivastava 17
Hi Team,  I am not  to find the Customer Support, North America role in any user .Kindly help me..

Thanks in Advance
Ganesh BoraGanesh Bora
the license and profile are set incorrectly for ada balewa issue got resolved with
For Ada Balewa user you can set User License : Chatter Free and Profile : Chatter Moderator User
Daniel CJDaniel CJ
Lincoln Ulrich
User License : Salesforce
Profile  : Standard user
Marketing User - Check box - Checked
The Marketing User checkbox allows the user to create campaigns and use the Campaign Import Wizards. If this option isn't selected, the user can only view campaigns and advanced campaign setup, edit the Campaign History for a single lead or contact, and run campaign reports
Sumesh Kumar SinghSumesh Kumar Singh
Hi Team,
I am not to find the Customer Support, North America role in any user. Kindly help me.
Sumesh Kumar SinghSumesh Kumar Singh
Hello @Himanshu Srivastava 17,
did u find Customer Support, North America
Jocelyn BecerrilJocelyn Becerril
Hello,  I'm having the same issues as others where I can't I am getting error message "Lincoln Ulrich cannot set up and execute marketing campaigns to his account". I have tried deactivating everyone and eveyerthing ans I'm still getting the  Marketing User check box grayed out/disabled. Any help on this so I can complete this section. 
Gowtham Reddy 59Gowtham Reddy 59
Error : Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Lance Park's Salesforce UI language is incorrect. Note that some languages have more than one option.

Fix : Change language preference to Spanish(Mexico)
Nathália MeloNathália Melo
I receive this error message : Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Lincoln Ulrich cannot set up and execute marketing campaigns to his accounts.  

I can't get the permission to select as marketing
Aaron Hartzler 225Aaron Hartzler 225
i am also can't enable marketing user pls help me
I have the problem that I cant check Marketing User Box, can sb help me?