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Michael Minnekeer 8Michael Minnekeer 8 

Trailhead - Define Custom Big Objects

I am trying to deploy the xml package for Customer_Interaction__b.object using the workbench for this unit. However I deploy and get success message in workbench but cannot see any big object.
  • I did see on the unit page it says that the examples are written for api unit 41.0 but my workbench doesnt allow me to go beyond 40. Does this matter?
  • My trailhead playground is on winter 18.
  • Does it matter what the file name for the object and permission set? (I do have the package.xml)
  • I have tried with and without having 'Single package' selected in workbench deploy
  • I have double checked the workbench is logged into the correct org
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Best Answer chosen by Michael Minnekeer 8
Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke

remove de .xml from your object en permisionSet file! 

en in your package xm set version to 41

All Answers

Michael Minnekeer 8Michael Minnekeer 8
I'm going to put my money on this being that workbench is in version 40. It just doesn't give me the option for 41 yet
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Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke
I Have the same problem. Also with 41 version. Do you have a solution?
Michael Minnekeer 8Michael Minnekeer 8
Just tried again now that 41 is available, still having the same issue. Should this be the expected result?

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Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke
Structure of Zip is verry important and not in the trail.
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Michael Minnekeer 8Michael Minnekeer 8
Still did not fix the issue. I get success message but no big object in salesforce. Is anything supposed to be selected on this screen?:
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Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke
Yes Single Package
Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke
Is it working? If not can you share your package.xml and onther files?
Michael Minnekeer 8Michael Minnekeer 8
Still does not work. I have tried your folder heirarchy with and without package.xml in root of zip file (I can't tell fom your screen shot of the folder Rider_History is the zip or a folder root level of the zip). Please see my zip file: 
Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke

remove de .xml from your object en permisionSet file! 

en in your package xm set version to 41

This was selected as the best answer
Michael Minnekeer 8Michael Minnekeer 8
thanks that got it working. 
Andrejs VeliksAndrejs Veliks

Still don't work. 

with package.xml in root and in each folders ... 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="">

        <label>Start Location Latitude</label>        
        <label>Start Location Longitude</label>        
        <label>Start Time</label>
        <label>End Time</label>
        <label>Service Type</label>
        <label>Rider Account</label>
        <label>Rider Rating</label>        
        <label>Rider History Index</label>
    <label>Rider History</label>
    <pluralLabel>Rider Histories</pluralLabel>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PermissionSet xmlns="">





Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke
I see no problem in your code.

Do you have checked Single Package on deploy? and the good  structure in the zip --> see immage?
Andrejs VeliksAndrejs Veliks

yeh, it's strange, but I'll try one more time and all pass ok. 


really strange . 

Yes, I checked Single Package . 

Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke

Do you use Mac or Windows pc?  

my zip file

Andrejs VeliksAndrejs Veliks
Windows 10 Pro.

Thank's for answers .. 
Kim SchaefgesKim Schaefges
I am having the same trouble. I get a success message in Workbench but no Big Object in Salesforce.  Do you have any other tips?
Michael Minnekeer 8Michael Minnekeer 8
Did you check folder heirachry and single package like @Stephane suggested?
Andrejs VeliksAndrejs Veliks

to Kim Schaefges; You can try one more time , may be all will ok. 

And check that frirst time You checked Check Only and Single Package

And after running You should to see that 

Number Components Deployed  9
Number Components Total 9

Not zero!

Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke
1) make a zip file with the right structure.
2) do not add .xml on object and permissionset file
3) check Single Package on deploi
Stephane PlanckeStephane Plancke
4) if not working upload this zip ( I had problems with mac zip files so I created one in Windows)
Swati Patel 28Swati Patel 28

Stephane Plancke, Its not working with me. My code is perfect and my Zip files are too,.I am using mac, it could be that issues now. Could you please send me zip file as I cant access from above link. 



Ghanshyam Yadav19Ghanshyam Yadav19
Hi Stephane, i am facing same issue and not able to access zip file from ur given URL. can you help more. or please send me that zip file to
Kurkin AlexandreKurkin Alexandre
I had the same problem.I found solution how to successfully deploy  via Workbench.
You need to do two things.

1st: Change folder names as follows(object > objects, permissionset > permissionsets)
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2nd: You need to define files to deploy by name in package.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">
Andrejs VeliksAndrejs Veliks

One things .... 

Check filenames extentions for objects. It should be .obj , not.xml 
This is common case as I see .. 

Andrejs VeliksAndrejs Veliks
Oops not .obj but .object 
Efraim Taranto 1Efraim Taranto 1
I was experiencing the same issue and manage to solve it by following Stephane Plancke instructions:

1) create package.xml and directories as instructed:
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2) I made sure the file extenstions were not XML - that actually made the trick:
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3) I've selected all in the directory (package.xml + 2 directories) and send it to a zip file:
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4) Finally uploaded the file using workbench and all worked well (remember checking Single Package!!!), see image you should be expecting:

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David Pirrie 14David Pirrie 14
Thanks for all the help on this Challenge.
One more thing...
I found the Rider_History.permissionset examples given above were missing a label at the bottom ie
<label>Rider History Permission Set</label> 
ismael GACHAismael GACHA
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="">

        <label>Start Location Latitude</label>
        <label>Start Location Longitude</label>

        <label>Start Time</label>

        <label>End Time</label>

        <label>Service Type</label>

        <label>Rider Account</label>

        <label>Rider Rating</label>
        <label>Rider History Index</label>
	<label>Rider History</label>
    <pluralLabel>Rider Histories</pluralLabel>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PermissionSet xmlns="">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">

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=> After Zip
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=> Next 
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janardhan Gowkanpallijanardhan Gowkanpalli
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Hi am getting above  error any one help me
Oleg RebenkoOleg Rebenko
Hi Janardhan,

There are 3 reasons you may have such issue:
1. You put all your resources into folder before achiving. Root of your archive should have all 3 resources.
2. You are using Mac to pack it. See solution here (
3. You have wrong package.xml. Check its format in Trailhead Unit and try again.

Use this to complete...
Step 1:- create folder with name objects
Create file wth name objects > Rider_History__b.object
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="">

        <label>Start Location Latitude</label>        
        <label>Start Location Longitude</label>        
        <label>Start Time</label>
        <label>End Time</label>
        <label>Service Type</label>
        <label>Rider Account</label>
        <label>Rider Rating</label>        
        <label>Rider History Index</label>
    <label>Rider History</label>
    <pluralLabel>Rider Histories</pluralLabel>
Step 2:- Create folder with name permissionset
Create file with name permissionset > Rider_History.permissionset
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PermissionSet xmlns="">

<label>Rider History Permission Set</label>

Step 3:-
Create file with name package.xml

Step 4:- 

Create zip file with folders (objects, permissionset) and package.xml

You will get 100% success.
Gopi AGopi A
I am also getting the same error. 
please help
Rename folder permissionsets to permissionset    
@VT have used your all scenrios but It is not working. can you help me how to overcome this issue.
It is not working

@V T you R GREAT !
Jenna HuttJenna Hutt
Efraim Taranto 1's suggestions of selecting the two folders and one file and creating the zip file as and selecting single package is what worked for me.
Nathan Schneider 20Nathan Schneider 20
Yall- I spent 2 hours on this assignment and I think I had it right from the beginning. For anyone out there, maybe this will save you some time-- I was checking my trailhead environment the whole time. This exercise uses the developer edition environment so when doing the exercise make sure to click the drop down for CHOOSE YOUR HANDS ON ORG and change it to your developer edition. Man this training is confusing... 
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
I'm having a nightmare with this task. Anyone have the exact instructions on how to complete this using a Mac? I'm facing two errors. I've followed the link provided by Salesforce to the blog post on how to get around this on a mac but still facing the same issue after trying multiple different types of ways. 
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Do not zip on a Mac using the CLI - archive after selecting from the Finder and then "compress" option - that zip will work with Workbench package deploys.
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
I eventually found the issue. For me I had to change the default preference settings of TextEdit from Rich Text to Plain Text and it solved the problem to a point. The issue I have now is even though Workbench is showing as successfully deploying the files, the big object is not showing. I have double checked to make sure that the files are being deployed to the correct Org and they are. 
Niranjana KNiranjana K
Can you send me the right code? I am getting an error..User-added image
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
Hi Niranjana,

What is your email address?
Prasad N RPrasad N R
@Efraim Taranto 1 Thanks. Single Package had to be checked.
Ang Maria RufinaAng Maria Rufina
Your file works and I am very thankful.  May I ask if doing the object, permissionset and package files in notepad it won't work?  Am just trying to check if it is my zip file in question or the big object files creation in question.  Looking forward to your response
Tomasz GapskiTomasz Gapski
@Ang Maria Rufina,
I think that it's a matter of Windows hiding files extension. You may think it is "Rider_History.permissionset", but in fact it is "Rider_History.permissionset.txt".
Gabriel Patrick SalasGabriel Patrick Salas
OK so i was able to solve the problem declaratively WITHOUT workbench so are the steps

1. setup - Big Objects
2. Click New to create a big object. 
3. and plugin all the challenge requirements manually rather than using work bench or xml files. 

this will literally take 5 mins lol 

this is by far the best answer. trust me.

you're welcome.