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Quick Start: Reports & Dashboards Create a Dashboard Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The title of the dashboard component is not 'All Opportunities By Stage'
Quick Start: Reports & Dashboards
Create a Dashboard
Dashboards show you the most important information you want, in a way that makes the most sense to you.
In this step you'll add the report you just created to a new dashboard.
1.Click Dashboards.
2.Click the New Dashboard button.
3.Name your dashboard All Opportunities. Leave all other fields as is and click Create.
4.Click + Component.
5.For Report, select Opportunities by Stage.
6.For Display Type, select Vertical Bar Chart.
7.For Title, enter All Opportunities by Stage and click Add.
8.Click Save. Click Done.
9.The dashboard executes and displays the count of Opportunity records that are in each stage as a vertical bar chart.
After creating dashboard according to the above requirment,I am getting this error
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The title of the dashboard component is not 'All Opportunities By Stage'
first thing is we are not abele to select Vertical Bar Chart than next in the challange itasks to give the title name 'All Opportunities By Stage' but when we enter that name its shwing an error
I am getting an error in this challange,anyone cam please help me in this
this is the second trail head with the technical problem from the salesforce
Thanks you
Create a Dashboard
Dashboards show you the most important information you want, in a way that makes the most sense to you.
In this step you'll add the report you just created to a new dashboard.
1.Click Dashboards.
2.Click the New Dashboard button.
3.Name your dashboard All Opportunities. Leave all other fields as is and click Create.
4.Click + Component.
5.For Report, select Opportunities by Stage.
6.For Display Type, select Vertical Bar Chart.
7.For Title, enter All Opportunities by Stage and click Add.
8.Click Save. Click Done.
9.The dashboard executes and displays the count of Opportunity records that are in each stage as a vertical bar chart.
After creating dashboard according to the above requirment,I am getting this error
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The title of the dashboard component is not 'All Opportunities By Stage'
first thing is we are not abele to select Vertical Bar Chart than next in the challange itasks to give the title name 'All Opportunities By Stage' but when we enter that name its shwing an error
I am getting an error in this challange,anyone cam please help me in this
this is the second trail head with the technical problem from the salesforce
Thanks you
May I suggest you please refer the below link for reference.
hope it will be helpful.Thanks
Rahul Kumar