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TestClass - Existing ChatterGroup Issue
I have a trigger on FeedComment that creates an Internal Request ticket (custom object) if a specific chattergroup was added on the comment. Does anyone know how I can access the ChatterGroup @IRTicket without having to use SeeAllData = true?
I have a trigger on FeedComment that creates an Internal Request ticket (custom object) if a specific chattergroup was added on the comment. Does anyone know how I can access the ChatterGroup @IRTicket without having to use SeeAllData = true?
public class InternalRequest_CreateFromChatterComment { public static void createNewInternalRequest(List<FeedComment> chatterComment){ List<FeedComment> lFeedComment = new List<FeedComment>(); List<Id> lFeedItem = new List<Id>(); Map<Id,String> mfeedItemBody = new Map<Id,String>(); Map<Id,Id> mpostUserId = new Map<Id,Id>(); List<Ops_Priority_List__c> newIRtoInsert = new List<Ops_Priority_List__c>(); Id internalRequestQuestionRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Ops_Priority_List__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Question').getRecordTypeId(); List<User> lUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE ProfileId = '00ea00000021duy']; //Checks if the user is an admin Set<Id> userIds = new Set<Id>(new Map<Id, User>(lUser).keyset()); Id cgroupId = [SELECT Id, Name FROM CollaborationGroup WHERE Name = 'IRTicket'].Id; //Stores chatterGroupId ca for(FeedComment c : chatterComment){ if((c.ParentId == cgroupId && userIds.contains(c.CreatedById)) || (c.CommentBody.contains('@IRTicket') && userIds.contains(c.CreatedById))){ lFeedComment.add(c); //List of all ChatterComments lFeedItem.add(c.FeedItemId); //List of all ChatterFeedItems mpostUserId.put(c.Id,c.CreatedById); } System.debug('lFeedComment -->' + lFeedComment); System.debug('mpostUserId -->' + mpostUserId); System.debug('InsertedbyId -->' + c.CreatedById); } if(lFeedComment.size()>0){ System.debug('lFeedComment size --> ' + lFeedComment.size()); List<FeedItem> feedItemList = [SELECT Body,ParentId FROM FeedItem WHERE Id =:lFeedItem]; for(FeedItem f : feedItemList){ mfeedItemBody.put(f.Id,f.Body); } for(FeedComment cg : lFeedComment){ lFeedItem.add(cg.FeedItemId); Ops_Priority_List__c i = new Ops_Priority_List__c( OwnerId = mpostUserId.get(cg.Id), Description__c = mfeedItemBody.get(cg.FeedItemId).stripHtmlTags() + ' ' + cg.CommentBody + ' ' + URL.getSalesforceBaseURL().toExternalForm() + '/'+ cg.ParentId + '?fld=' +cg.FeedItemId, Name = 'Questions from Chatter', Status__c = 'New', RecordTypeId = internalRequestQuestionRecordTypeId); newIRtoInsert.add(i); } System.debug('newIRtoInsert = ' + newIRtoInsert); } if(!newIRtoInsert.isEmpty()){ try{ database.insert(newIRtoInsert,false); } catch (DmlException e){ System.debug('The following exception has occured: ' + e.getMessage()); } System.debug('newIRinserted = '+ !newIRtoInsert.isEmpty()); } } }
@isTest public class InternalRequest_CreateFromChatterCTest { @testSetup static void setup(){ List<TriggerController__c> tc = new List<TriggerController__c>{ new TriggerController__c(Name='Lead',Disabled__c=false) }; insert tc; User u = new User( LastName = 'Newuser', Alias = 'newu', Email = '', Username = '', CommunityNickname = 'newuser', ProfileId = UserInfo.getProfileId(), TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/New_York', LocaleSidKey = 'en_US', EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US' ); insert u; Lead l = new Lead( FirstName = 'Firsttest', LastName = 'Samplelead', Email = '', CountryCode = 'US', Company = 'TestLeadCompany' ); insert l; FeedItem lPost = new FeedItem( ParentId = l.Id, Body = 'Chatterpost from the lead' ); insert lPost; } static testMethod void leadChatterComment(){ User u = [SELECT Id, EMAIL FROM User WHERE Username = '' LIMIT 1]; System.debug('u--->' + u); Lead le = [SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE Email = '' LIMIT 1]; System.debug('le-->' + le); FeedItem f = [SELECT Id,CreatedById,ParentId FROM FeedItem WHERE ParentId =: le.Id LIMIT 1]; System.debug('f-->' + f); FeedComment lComment = new FeedComment( CommentBody = '@IRTicket - create this new IR', FeedItemId = f.Id ); test.startTest(); insert lComment; System.debug('lComment-->' + lComment); test.stopTest(); Ops_Priority_List__c iR = [SELECT Id,Name,OwnerId FROM Ops_Priority_List__c WHERE OwnerId =: f.CreatedById LIMIT 1]; System.assertEquals('Questions from Chatter', iR.Name); System.assertEquals(f.CreatedById,iR.OwnerId); } }
May I suggest you please check with below link with a similar issue and suggested workaround.
Please let us know if this helps.Kindly mark this as solved if it's resolved.