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Vamshi KrishnaVamshi Krishna 

Remove manual sharing for records

My Organization deals with Comapnies and Vehicles. All vehicles are associated with companies and shared with a sharing rule. Few days ago,because of a small issue, I did a mass update of all vehicles with companies.Like I had a refernce company and mass updated all vehicles with that and later updated with the original companies.This is to make the community users see their vehicles on community.The vehicles is now shared with other additional company which I do not like to see.Now all vehicles are associated with one other additional company besides the original. The Sharing is "Manual". Is there a way to remove manual sharing in particular for all these vehicles ? Like removing the role ID etc.Any other suggestion is gladly appreciated.
Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Vamshi,

May I suggest you please refer the below link for reference. Let us know if it helps.

Please mark it as best answer if the information is that question is removed from an unanswered question and appear as a proper solution.

Rahul Kumar