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sfdx source pull and list views


I created a new non-private list view for an object, and when doing a source:pull, the new list view is not returned.
I copied an existing 'All' list view, renamed it, then did a source:push.  The new list view is visible on the object.

Can list views not be pulled, only pushed?

Hi PaulT,

sfdx is sometimes difficult to understand. As fas as I know, only the changed components can be retrived from the org. According to SF documentation: "By default, only changed source is synced back to your project."  This is mentioned here.
Just for fun, try changing something in the list view metadata like columns and pull.. I think you will retrieve it then. I am also learning sfdx, so please dont mind if my answer is wrong. 

Hi Dev,

Thanks for the reply.  I did as you suggested and the updated All listview did not come down in the pull.  

Van DungVan Dung

Hi PauIT,
Did you solve this case? 
I've met the similar issue. I change something at the listview. But nothing returned when I pull.


Heiner Ulrich ucHeiner Ulrich uc
I could reproduce the following: A list view only visible to myself gets not pulled back, a list view visible to everybody gets pulled just fine. Just change sharing of the list view and you should be all set.