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Hughbert Strong
How to schedule my Trigger?
Hello All,
I'm new to writting triggers and classes. I have a trigger I'm trying to schedule. Not sure how to complete this. I've read that I have to place the class in my trigger, but not sure how.
Trigger Code:
trigger ExpiredEntitlements on Entitlement (after update) {
List<Entitlement> EntIds = New List <Entitlement>();
for (Entitlement e:{
if (e.EndDate == -1){
e.Id = [Select Id from Entitlement Where EndDate = Yesterday].Id;
}catch(QueryException ex){
List<Entitlement> EntList = [Select id FROM Entitlement WHERE id in :EntIds];
for(integer i = 0; i < EntList.size(); i++){
update EntList;
Apex Class Code:
global class scheduleExpiredEntitlements implements Schedulable{
global static void scheduleMe(){
scheduleExpiredEntitlements msc = new scheduleExpiredEntitlements();
String sch= '0 00 00 * * ?';
String jobID = System.schedule('Scheduled Job', sch, msc);
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc){
ExpiredEntitlements e = new ExpiredEntitlements();
I'm new to writting triggers and classes. I have a trigger I'm trying to schedule. Not sure how to complete this. I've read that I have to place the class in my trigger, but not sure how.
Trigger Code:
trigger ExpiredEntitlements on Entitlement (after update) {
List<Entitlement> EntIds = New List <Entitlement>();
for (Entitlement e:{
if (e.EndDate == -1){
e.Id = [Select Id from Entitlement Where EndDate = Yesterday].Id;
}catch(QueryException ex){
List<Entitlement> EntList = [Select id FROM Entitlement WHERE id in :EntIds];
for(integer i = 0; i < EntList.size(); i++){
update EntList;
Apex Class Code:
global class scheduleExpiredEntitlements implements Schedulable{
global static void scheduleMe(){
scheduleExpiredEntitlements msc = new scheduleExpiredEntitlements();
String sch= '0 00 00 * * ?';
String jobID = System.schedule('Scheduled Job', sch, msc);
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc){
ExpiredEntitlements e = new ExpiredEntitlements();
there is a two way to schedule
1) If you want to schedule it via UI, Go to Setup ---> Build --> Developer --> Apex Classes
There will be one "Schedule Apex" button available. Click on that button and chose you class to schedule it.
After scheduling a class it will start appearing in "Scheduled Jobs" at below mentioned path
Setup --> Monito --> Jobs --> Scheduled Jobs
2) Developer console -->Debug -->Open execute anonymous window
Then Click Execute
After scheduling a class it will start appearing in "Scheduled Jobs" at below mentioned path
Setup --> Monito --> Jobs --> Scheduled Jobs
Setup --> Monito --> Jobs --> Apex Jobs
For your understanding: Example of my code
global with sharing class ScheduleBatchApexDemo implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
ID BatchId = Database.executeBatch(new Accountnameupdate(), 200);
Public static void SchedulerMethod() {
string timeinterval = '0 30 * * * ?';
System.schedule('BatchApexDemo-Every15mins',timeinterval, new ScheduleBatchApexDemo());
Developer console -->Debug -->Open execute anonymous window
Then Click Execute
Otherwise use this Reference Links:
Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!
If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!
All Answers
there is a two way to schedule
1) If you want to schedule it via UI, Go to Setup ---> Build --> Developer --> Apex Classes
There will be one "Schedule Apex" button available. Click on that button and chose you class to schedule it.
After scheduling a class it will start appearing in "Scheduled Jobs" at below mentioned path
Setup --> Monito --> Jobs --> Scheduled Jobs
2) Developer console -->Debug -->Open execute anonymous window
Then Click Execute
After scheduling a class it will start appearing in "Scheduled Jobs" at below mentioned path
Setup --> Monito --> Jobs --> Scheduled Jobs
Setup --> Monito --> Jobs --> Apex Jobs
For your understanding: Example of my code
global with sharing class ScheduleBatchApexDemo implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
ID BatchId = Database.executeBatch(new Accountnameupdate(), 200);
Public static void SchedulerMethod() {
string timeinterval = '0 30 * * * ?';
System.schedule('BatchApexDemo-Every15mins',timeinterval, new ScheduleBatchApexDemo());
Developer console -->Debug -->Open execute anonymous window
Then Click Execute
Otherwise use this Reference Links:
Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!
If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!
You can not schedule the trigger. You need to create on Batch job and need to move trigger logic in Same batch job then you need to schedule same batch job.
Please check below post for more help
Let us know if this will help you