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krishna casukhela 7
display text using actionsupport
I am having some trouble trying to understand actionsupport example.
I need to get the values of text1 and text2 and just display them.
any body please pinpoint where exactly I am going wrong.
I am having some trouble trying to understand actionsupport example.
public with sharing class PassParameterActionSupport { public String value_entered{get;set;} public String enteredText1{get;set;} public String enteredText2{get;set;} public void DisplayText() { value_entered=Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('firstParam') + ' ' + Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('secondParam'); } } <apex:page controller="PassParameterActionSupport"> <apex:form id="frm"> <apex:outputPanel id="resultPanel"> Data entered is : <apex:outputLabel value="{!value_entered}"/> </apex:outputPanel> <br/> <br/><br/> Enter Text 1 :<apex:inputText id="txt1" /> <br /> Enter Text 2 : <apex:inputText id="txt2" /> <br/> <br/> <apex:actionSupport action="{!DisplayText}" reRender="resultPanel" event="onkeyup"> <apex:param assignTo="{!enteredText1}" name="firstParam" value="" /> <apex:param assignTo="{!enteredText2}" name="secondParam" value="" /> </apex:actionSupport> </apex:form> </apex:page>
I need to get the values of text1 and text2 and just display them.
any body please pinpoint where exactly I am going wrong.