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Michael Ludwig
System.Assert for trigger continues to return null even thoug the record is queried
I am running into some issues when running a test class in which I do a system.assert for a trigger on accounts I have written.
The trigger is relatively simple, it checks two fields on the account record and if changed or if a new account is created, it populates two other fields with corresponding values that I retrieve from a custom setting.
The trigger works fine when I test it in the UI, here is the code:
If I don't do a system assert, code coverage is fine, but I don't get why the system.assert would return:
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: Automotive, Actual: null
I create a test record, insert it, query it again, including the field Industry_Code_Description__c, but the value for it continues to be null.
I verified that the account has the correct record type for the trigger and if I do the same test in the UI it works without any problems.
For the test data above I set the DD1_Industry_Business_code to '001' and in my custom setting the corresponing value would be 'Automotive'.
Any ideas where I might miss something ?
I am running into some issues when running a test class in which I do a system.assert for a trigger on accounts I have written.
The trigger is relatively simple, it checks two fields on the account record and if changed or if a new account is created, it populates two other fields with corresponding values that I retrieve from a custom setting.
The trigger works fine when I test it in the UI, here is the code:
trigger BU_Update on Account (before insert, before update) { Map<String, String> DD1Values = new Map<String, String>(); //map to hold values from DD1 Custom Setting For(DD1_Definition__c dd1 : [SELECT DD1_Code__c, DD1_Business_Unit__c FROM DD1_Definition__c]){ DD1Values.put(dd1.DD1_Code__c, dd1.DD1_Business_Unit__c); } Map<String, String> DD2Values = new Map<String, String>(); // map to hold values from DD2 Custom Setting For(DD2_Definition__c dd2 : [SELECT DD2_Code__c, DD2_Business_Unit__c FROM DD2_Definition__c]){ DD2Values.put(dd2.DD2_Code__c, dd2.DD2_Business_Unit__c); } //Compare old and new values for DD1 and DD2 codes, retrieve new value if changed For (Account a : Trigger.New){ IF(Trigger.isInsert && Trigger.isBefore && a.RecordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Account').getRecordTypeId()){ a.Industry_Code_Description__c = DD1Values.get(a.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c); a.Business_Unit_Level_2__c = DD2Values.get(a.DD2_Industry_Business_Code__c); } IF(Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isBefore && a.RecordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Account').getRecordTypeId()){ IF (a.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c != Trigger.OldMap.get(a.Id).DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c){ a.Industry_Code_Description__c = DD1Values.get(a.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c); } IF (a.DD2_Industry_Business_Code__c != Trigger.OldMap.get(a.Id).DD2_Industry_Business_Code__c){ a.Business_Unit_Level_2__c = DD2Values.get(a.DD2_Industry_Business_Code__c); } } } }Here is my test class:
@isTest public class Account_BU_Update_Test { static testmethod void testall(){ ClsTestCustomSettingHelper.getAllSettings(); ClsTestCustomSettingHelper.getPMV_Sales_Stage_Setting(); ChannelinsightData_test.ChannelinsightData_test(); ClsTestCustomSettingHelper.getTrigger_Configuration(); RecordType rt = ClsTestHelp.createTestRecordType8(); Account acc2 = ClsTestHelp.createTestAccounts(); acc2.RecordTypeId =rt.Id; acc2.Account_Manager__c = UserInfo.getUserId(); acc2.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c = '001'; acc2.DD2_Industry_Business_Code__c = '105'; acc2.Name = 'Test account Michael'; insert acc2; Test.startTest(); acc2=[Select id, Industry_Code_Description__c, Business_Unit_Level_2__c FROM Account WHERE ID =:acc2.Id]; System.assertEquals('Automotive', acc2.Industry_Code_Description__c); Test.stopTest(); } }I need to include a few helper classes at the beginning and I am also creating a new account record with a helper class.
If I don't do a system assert, code coverage is fine, but I don't get why the system.assert would return:
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: Automotive, Actual: null
I create a test record, insert it, query it again, including the field Industry_Code_Description__c, but the value for it continues to be null.
I verified that the account has the correct record type for the trigger and if I do the same test in the UI it works without any problems.
For the test data above I set the DD1_Industry_Business_code to '001' and in my custom setting the corresponing value would be 'Automotive'.
Any ideas where I might miss something ?
Yes, I got your issue.
In Test class, if you will use @istest(Seealldata=true), then only u can access custom setting data.
All Answers
I have just cross checked your code.
Could you please let me know, the relationship between Account and DD1_Definition__c?
As you are trying to do:
a.Industry_Code_Description__c = DD1Values.get(a.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c); in line number 18.
Might be a.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c is null or corresponding value of a.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c is null.
This is why
in System.assert, a.Industry_Code_Description__c is coming as null
Thanks for taking the time to check the code.
DD1_Definition__c and DD2_Definition__c are two custom settings, they are of type list and simple contain some value pairs, e.g. '001' = 'Automotive'.
If somebody sets up an account of record type 'Account' and chooses '001' as value for field Account.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c, the trigger would update the field Account.Industry_Code_Description__c by checking the value '001' in the map DD1Values which has the value pair 001 - Automotive.
I did system-debug the map before and the value pair exists, that's why I am surprised that the system.assert returns null.
Also, testing the trigger in the UI works without any issues.
Please replace line 18 & 19 with
a.Industry_Code_Description__c = DD1Values.get(a.DD1_Industry_Business_Code__c).DD1_Business_Unit__c ;
a.Business_Unit_Level_2__c = DD2Values.get(a.DD2_Industry_Business_Code__c).DD2_Business_Unit__c;
If this will help you, please let me know and Mark as best answer
this does not work I'm afraid, I get:
Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: String
Yes, I got your issue.
In Test class, if you will use @istest(Seealldata=true), then only u can access custom setting data.
That solves the issue, thanks a lot, well spotted !