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i wrote trigger and email messaging when ever we insert or update contact fields .email must be created in apex instead off calling existing templates names
EmailTemplate et=[Select id from EmailTemplate where name=:'Sales: New Customer Email'];
with out calling like this how to give standar template to present mail update progrm
help me in this prgrm
with out calling like this how to give standar template to present mail update progrm
help me in this prgrm
trigger SendEmailToAccount on Contact (after insert,after update) { if(Trigger.isAfter) { if(Trigger.isInsert ) { HelperContactTrigger.sendEmail(; } } if(trigger.isAfter && trigger.isUpdate ) { HelperContactTrigger.sendEmailafter(; } }
public with sharing class HelperContactTrigger { public static List<Contact> sendEmail(List<Contact>Contacts) { List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>(); for(Contact con : Contacts) { if(con.AccountId != null && con.Email != null){ Messaging.SingleEmailMessage singleMail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); singleMail.setTargetObjectId(con.Id); singleMail.setSaveAsActivity(false); singleMail.setHtmlBody('Your record:<b> ' + case.Id +' </b>has been created.<p>'); emails.add(singleMail); } } Messaging.sendEmail(emails); return Contacts; } public static List<Contact> sendEmailafter(List<Contact>Contacts) { List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>(); for(Contact con : Contacts) { if(con.AccountId != null && con.Email != null){ Messaging.SingleEmailMessage singleMail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); singleMail.setTargetObjectId(con.Id); singleMail.setSaveAsActivity(false); singleMail.setHtmlBody('Your record:<b> ' + case.Id +' </b>has been updated.<p>'); emails.add(singleMail); } } Messaging.sendEmail(emails); return Contacts; } }
If you do not want to use a standard template, then you have to create HTML body inside apex and then set it as Email body.
string htmlBodyStr ='<div style = "background-color:White; margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px; ">';
singleMail.setHtmlBody(htmlBodyStr );
PLease let me know , if it will help you.
Please replace line 46 with
below code:
string htmlBodyStr ='<HTML lang="ja"><body>'+
'Dear'+ {!Contact.FirstName}',
All of us at GenWatt are glad to have'+ {!Account.Name} +'as a customer.'+
'I would like to introduce myself as your Account Manager. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at'+ {!User.Phone} +'or email me at'+ {!User.Email}+'.
'You can also contact GenWatt on the following numbers:'+
'Main: 810-545-1000'+
'Sales: 810-545-1222'+
'Customer Service & Support: 810-545-1333'+
'Fax: 810-545-1001'+
'I am confident GenWatt will serve you well and hope to see our relationship grow over the years.'+
'Best Regards, '+