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Thomas Caillet
Test Trigger Code Coverage
I tried to code my test trigger apex class but I have an error with the code coverage.
Here is my trigger :
For information, My pricebookentry contain "Set up fee" in the product name.
Thanks for your help
I tried to code my test trigger apex class but I have an error with the code coverage.
Here is my trigger :
trigger CreateBillingCaseAfterRegistration on Case (after update) { if([0].Status=='closed' && (trigger.old[0].Status<>'closed') && ([0].Subject=='New hotel : Availpro Registration') && ([0].Opportunity_Case__c != null)) { List<Features__c> Feat =new List<Features__c>(); List<Existing_feature__c> Existing =new List<Existing_feature__c>(); List<Quote> Quo=new List<Quote>(); List<Case> CaseOpp =new List<Case>(); case c1=new case( Subject='New hotel : Kick off', OwnerId='00Gw0000002lubt', Opportunity_Case__c =[0].Opportunity_Case__c, Alfred_Scope__c = 'Configuration - Hotel', Subject__c = 'New Hotel', Type = 'Action Request', Training_type__c = 'Kick-Off Call',[0].Kick_off_date__c, Origin ='Automatic case', AccountId =[0].AccountId, CurrencyIsoCode =[0].CurrencyIsoCode); CaseOpp.add(c1); insert CaseOpp; case c2=new case( Subject='New hotel : Add / Modify Channel : Start Date Invoicing', OwnerId='00G20000001HboH', AccountId =[0].AccountId, Opportunity_Case__c =[0].Opportunity_Case__c, Accounting_Status__c = 'Démarrage facturation', Accounting_request_type__c = 'Paramétrage module facturation', Alfred_Scope__c = 'Billing', Subject__c = 'Accounting', Type = 'Action Request', Origin ='Automatic case', Accounting_first_invoicing_date__c =[0].Opportunity_Start_Date__c.addDays(61), CurrencyIsoCode =[0].CurrencyIsoCode); insert c2; for(OpportunityLineItem OLI : [SELECT PricebookEntry.Product2.Name, Billing_Type__c, CurrencyIsoCode, UnitPrice,TotalPrice,Number_Of_Revenue_Installments__c, ServiceDate from OpportunityLineItem where opportunityId =:[0].Opportunity_Case__c AND ((PricebookEntry.Product2.Name LIKE '%Set Up Fee%') OR (PricebookEntry.Product2.Name LIKE '%training%'))]) { String ProductName= String.ValueOf(OLI.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name); if(OLI.Billing_Type__c=='Monthly'){ case c3=new case( Subject='New hotel : Invoicing :'+' '+ProductName, OwnerId='00G20000001HboH', AccountId =[0].AccountId,[0].Opportunity_Case__c, Accounting_first_invoicing_date__c = OLI.ServiceDate, Accounting_Status__c = 'Démarrage facturation', Accounting_request_type__c = 'Paramétrage module facturation', Alfred_Scope__c = 'Billing', Subject__c = 'Accounting', Type = 'Action Request', Origin ='Automatic case', Accounting_Billing_Type__c = OLI.Billing_Type__c, Amount__c = (OLI.TotalPrice)/OLI.Number_Of_Revenue_Installments__c, CurrencyIsoCode = OLI.CurrencyIsoCode); insert c3; } else{ case c3=new case( Subject='New hotel : Invoicing :'+' '+ProductName, OwnerId='00G20000001HboH', AccountId =[0].AccountId,[0].Opportunity_Case__c, Accounting_first_invoicing_date__c = OLI.ServiceDate, Accounting_Status__c = 'Facturation Set-up fees', Accounting_request_type__c = 'Paramétrage module facturation', Alfred_Scope__c = 'Billing', Subject__c = 'Accounting', Type = 'Action Request', Origin ='Automatic case', Accounting_Billing_Type__c = OLI.Billing_Type__c, Amount__c = OLI.TotalPrice, CurrencyIsoCode = OLI.CurrencyIsoCode); insert c3; } for(Existing_feature__c EXF: [SELECT Name, FeatureId__c, Product__c from Existing_feature__c where Product__c =: OLI.PricebookEntry.Product2Id]) { String FeatureName= String.ValueOf(EXF.Name); Features__c f1=new Features__c( Name = FeatureName, Feature_Id__c = string.valueof(EXF.FeatureId__c), To_be_invoiced__c = true, Date__c =, Account__c =[0].AccountId); Feat.add(f1); } } insert Feat; } }And here my test class:
@isTest private class TestCreateBillingCaseonCase { @isTest static void TestCreateBillingCaseonCaseWithOpportunity2() { // Test data setup // Create an account with an opportunity, and then try to delete it Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='Opportunity TEST', StageName='Prospecting', AccountId='0012500000e1oU4', Starting_date__c=date.Today(), ); insert opp; OpportunityLineItem OLI = new OpportunityLineItem (UnitPrice=300,opportunityId = opp.Id,Quantity=1,PricebookEntryId='01uw000000rrJ5F'); insert OLI; Quote QUOT = new Quote (Name='TEST',BillingPostalCode = '75009' ,BillingCountry = 'France' ,ContactId='0032500000ZL882',Unit_price_ex_VAT_per_room_booked__c=2,OpportunityId=opp.Id); insert QUOT; opp.SyncedQuoteId=QUOT.Id; opp.StageName='Closed Won'; update opp; Case ca = new Case(Subject='New hotel : Availpro Registration',AccountId = opp.AccountId, Status ='in progress',Opportunity_Case__c = opp.Id); insert ca; // Perform test Test.startTest(); ca.Status='Closed'; update ca; Test.stopTest(); } }My test code is okay up to the for loop but I can't enter in for loop.
For information, My pricebookentry contain "Set up fee" in the product name.
Thanks for your help
I have cross checked your code.
Please try with
Let us know if this will help you
Thanks for your quick answers but still doesn't work.
Amit for your solution I have lot of validation rules so I can't create all objects in one test code.
Because when I try to add "NOT" before pricebookentry that's works but I can't understand why because my Product2.Name contain Set up Fee in his name.
Maybe I not use correctly the like statement could you help me please ?