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Mhlangano Khumalo 7Mhlangano Khumalo 7 

How to build a custom login page to authenticate a Lightning app

We've built a hybrid mobile app that uses a webview which loads up a lighting application.

When the user loads the app for the first time, it redirects to Salesforce standard login page (

We want to create our own totally custom login page, which would allow us to bypass the standard salesforce login, and authenticate the user navigating to the Lightning application

Does anyone know how we can implement the above? I welcome all your suggestions & Ideas.
Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Mhlangano,

Customize Your Login Page with Your Brand Please refer the below link for reference.

I hope it will be helpful.

Best Regards
Rahul Kumar
Mhlangano Khumalo 7Mhlangano Khumalo 7
@Rahul Kumar
This is will customize the standard salesforce login page globally, not just for our application, so it's not an option unfortunately.