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Christopher JonesChristopher Jones 

Is there any workaround to avoid the modal dialog box and just display toast message when working with Lightning quick actions?

One approach we have tried is having a Lightning Component with a button and adding the component to the specific record page, however this approach makes the UI inconsistent.
how should it look like?
Christopher JonesChristopher Jones
We want it to look exactly like the standard Toast message, but when messaging out from a button within a Lightning quick action, it gives you the popup window message format - that's what makes the UI inconsistent.  We could possibly go with the toast message format within the popup window, but that's not ideal.
Sarabdeep Singh AhluwaliaSarabdeep Singh Ahluwalia
Hi Christopher,

If you dont want to go with the button on the record page approach, I believe nothing much can be done with the standard salesforce functionality. I had a similar issue and ended up showing the message in the modal popup.
