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Ross GoldbergRoss Goldberg 

No COMPONENT named markup:// found

When we install our package in a Summer '17 sandbox org we get an error stating our main component is not found:

org.auraframework.throwable.quickfix.DefinitionNotFoundException: No COMPONENT named markup://ascendix_search:Search found

Is this a known issue with Summer '17 or has there been a change in how components should be defined?
Ross GoldbergRoss Goldberg

FYI, here is the definition of our application:

<aura:application extends="ltng:outApp" access="global">
    <aura:dependency resource="c:Search"/>

Here is how we are referncing if from our Visualforce page (note the include namespace, because it is a managed package):

<apex:page >
	<apex:includeLightning />

	<div id="lightning" />

		$Lightning.use("ascendix_search:SearchApp", function() {
				{ },
				function(comp) {
This works perfectly in Spring '17, but in Summer '17 it gives the following error:

No COMPONENT named markup://ascendix_search:Search found

Yep I am seeing this as well - sfdc have it as known issue yet?
Ross GoldbergRoss Goldberg

I opened a case and was told it was related to this issue:

The fix is in the process of being rolled out.

Thanks for following up! Hopefully that resolves it
Just tried on a CS54 sandbox (supposed to be patched according to the SFDC issue) - no luck - error message still appears

You seeing same behavior?
p wagionp wagion
I'm also still seeing this issue and I'm on NA50.
Pasan  EeriyagamaPasan Eeriyagama
We  get similar error in our existing app. 

org.auraframework.throwable.quickfix.DefinitionNotFoundException: No APPLICATION named markup://

Just noticed in summer 2017.

Wonder it is due to the same issue? anyone facing this, and got a workaround.
Closing the loop here (hopefully) - this looks resolved now in all my sandboxes
David FekkeDavid Fekke
We are still getting the error :-(