Hope this helps https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet.meta/salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet/salesforce_app_limits_platform_email.htm
Thanks Suraj I want to send using standard Send Mail button from Case. Not from Apex class. It is same limit (5000) for external address per day? Regards, LinThaw
You can send an unlimited amount of email to your org’s internal users, which includes portal users.. There’s no limit on sending individual emails to contacts, leads, person accounts, and users in your org directly from account, contact, lead, opportunity, case, campaign, or custom object pages.
I want to send using standard Send Mail button from Case.
Not from Apex class.
It is same limit (5000) for external address per day?
There’s no limit on sending individual emails to contacts, leads, person accounts, and users in your org directly from account, contact, lead, opportunity, case, campaign, or custom object pages.