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Sukanya BanekarSukanya Banekar 

java.lang.RuntimeException: Training failed to complete


User-added image
I am getting above error while training the dataset. The dataset which I have used is from Einstein vision (mountainvsbeach). Also I have checked, the images are no longer than 2000 pixel.

Michael Machado 22Michael Machado 22
Hi Sukanya- We apologize for the current issue you are experiencing.  We are working through a resolution and will update you once complete.  

Thank you for your patience,
Sukanya BanekarSukanya Banekar
Hi Michael,

Thank you so much for your quick update on this.
Also, if I upload the zip file again with old images(already present in the dataset) and new images, it does not check for duplicate images and add all the images which are there in the zip. Any suggestion?

Zineb Laraki 21Zineb Laraki 21
Hi Sukanya, 

Duplicate images should not make a difference to your model. 
