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Marcel SantosMarcel Santos 

How can I change the date format in the Live Agent Transcript?

Chat session transcripts saved to LiveChatTranscript.Body have the message time displayed as how many time elapsed since the chat began.
This is an example of a chat session transcript:

Chat Started: Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 22:14:37 (+0000)

Chat Origin: CS Chat Button

Agent Marcel S
( 6s ) Marcel S: Welcome. How can I help you?
( 52s ) Marcel S: you there?
( 3m 9s ) Marcel: testing
( 3m 14s ) Marcel: testing again
( 3m 20s ) Marcel: and again
( 7m 22s ) Marcel: 123 ping
( 7m 26s ) Marcel S: working
( 7m 46s ) Marcel: another
( 8m 0s ) Marcel: and another
( 8m 12s ) Marcel: ?
( 9m 3s ) Marcel S: what?
( 33m 33s ) Marcel: it looks like it is working again
( 33m 48s ) Marcel: checking the menu refresh
( 41m 37s ) Marcel: ????
( 41m 48s ) Marcel: !!!
( 56m 30s ) Marcel: ....
( 1h 7m 45s ) Marcel: restored?
( 1h 7m 50s ) Marcel S: I guess ...
( 1h 13m 7s ) Marcel: trying again
( 1h 13m 13s ) Marcel: and again
( 1h 13m 51s ) Marcel S: are you there?

We would like better if we could have the hour and minutes of when the message was sent, like this:

Chat Started: Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 22:14:37 (+0000)

Chat Origin: CS Chat Button

Agent Marcel S
22:14:43: Marcel S: Welcome to the ThousandEyes Customer Success Live Chat. How can I help you?
22:15:30: Marcel S: you there?
22:17:46: Marcel: testing
22:17:52: Marcel: testing again
22:17:58: Marcel: and again
22:21:59: Marcel: 123 ping
22:22:03: Marcel S: working
22:22:20: Marcel: another
22:22:37: Marcel: and another

I checked the live agent configuration options in Salesforce and checked the developer forumns to find a solution for that, without success.

Is it possible to change the format of the chat transcript? It is not easy for us, nor for our customers to figure out at what time a message was sent.