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How to automatically incremente a number based on a specific record type


I would like to automatically incremente a Number field for leads that are in a specific record type. 

The only options I see is to create an assignment rule or a trigger that automatically incremente the number field only when a lead from the record type is created. 

However, I don't know how to create a trigger or which assignment could make such thing. Can someone assist on this?

Dushyant Kumar 10Dushyant Kumar 10
Trigger LeadTrigget on Lead (before Insert) {
    Id recordTpId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('RecordTypeName').getRecordTypeId();
    String query='SELECT COUNT() FROM Account WHERE RecordTypeId=\''+recordTpId+'\'';
    Integer count=database.countQuery(query);

        if(ld.RecordTypeId == recordTpId){

Replace 'RecordTypeName,Count__c' by your record type name and custom field api name respectively.
It's not the best practice to write code like this. But, hope it will solve your problem.